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❶ (分离) leave;take one's departure: 话 ~ say good-bye;
告 ~ leave;part from;say good-bye;
久 ~ 故乡 leave one's native place for years;
久 ~ 重逢 meet after a long separation
❷ (区分) differentiate;distinguish: ~ 其真伪 determine whether it's true or false;
分门 ~ 类 classify;put into different categories
❸ (用别针固定物体) pin up: ~ 上领花 pin a collar flower;
胸前 ~ 着大红花 with a big red flower pinned on one's breast;
我们最好把这个文件 ~ 在一起。 We'd better pin [clip] the paper together.
❹ [方] (转动;转变) turn: 把头 ~ 了过去 turned one's head;~ 起一条腿 lift up a leg
❺ (插住;卡住) stick in: 把门 ~ 上 bolt the door;
皮带上 ~ 着一支枪 with a pistol stuck in one's belt Ⅱ ❶ (差别) distinction;difference: 天渊之 ~ a world of difference;
男女有 ~ distinction between sexes
❷ (类别) classification: 职 ~ official rank;
派 ~ group;school;
性 ~ sex
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 参 Bie Can Ⅲ (另外) other;another;some other: ~ 处 another place;elsewhere;~ 有情趣 have a distinctive interest;~ 具特色 have unique characteristic Ⅳ ❶ (不要) don't: ~ 来这一套。 Don't try that stuff with me! ~ 忙! No hurry.;Take your time. ~ 忘了。 Don't forget. ~ 管我,救火要紧! Don't bother about me! Put out the fire first. ~ 走了。 Don't go away. ~ 提了。 Let's not talk about it.;Don't mention it.
❷ (跟“是”字合用,表示揣测) maybe: 约定的时间都过了,~ 是他不来了吧? It's past the appointed time. Maybe he isn't coming.
另见 see also biè。
◆别称 another name;alternative name;
别出机杼 be original in conception;not follow the conventional pattern;strike out a new path for oneself;
别出心裁 create new styles [fashions];adopt an original approach;an out-of-the ordinary idea;be original in one's ideas;create sth. that is uncommon to all;depart from established practice;different from the usual pattern;have an unconventional idea;originate an idea [method];try to be different;
别动队 special detachment;commando;an armed secret agent squad;
别管 no matter;however;whatever;never mind;leave sb. [sth.] alone;
别号 alias;
别鹤孤鹜 (be like) a widowed crane or a lone wild goose;
别久情疏 Long absent,soon forgotten.;
别具慧心 have a special understanding [insight];别具匠心 show ingenuity;have originality;
别具一格 have a style of one's own;having a unique [distinctive] style;in a class by itself;peculiar;
别开生面 open up a fresh outlook;A new leaf is turned.;break fresh ground;break a new path;create a new form [phase] of;in a novel way;open new vistas (for);originate a new layout (from);start sth. new [original];strike a fresh note;
别离 take leave of;leave;
别名 alias;another name;
别人 other people;others;
别史 privately compiled history;
别树一帜 set up a new banner;act independently;found a new school of thought;have a style of one's own;hoist separately a different banner;raise another standard;start [set up] a new school;
别墅 villa;praetorium;quinta;
别说 let alone;
别提 [口] indescribably;
别无出路 have no other way out;There was no other way open to (someone).;
别无他法 have nothing for it but;have no resource but;having no other way out;There are no other ways.;There is no alternative but to ...;There is no remedy but ...;
别无他用 There is no other use for it.;
别无长物 There was nothing precious.;be poorly off;have no other possessions than one's own self;have nothing except bare necessities at home;have only bare necessities (and no others);
别有洞天 hidden but beautiful spot;a world all its own;Here is an altogether different world.;
别有[具]风味 have a distinctive [particular] flavour;
别有企图 look one way and row another;
别有所图 have other aims [plans];别有天地 like another world;a place of unique beauty;an altogether different world;an exotic land;Here is quite a different sort of life.;scenery of exceptional charm;
别有用心 have an ulterior motive;be done with ulterior motives;be ill-intentioned;have an axe to grind;have an ulterior object in view;have an underlying motive in;have another motive;have sth. up one's sleeve;have ulterior motives;with ulterior motives;
别针 brooch;tack;safety pin;pin;
别致 unique;unconventional;interesting and novel;new and unusual;
别传 supplementary biography;
别字 wrongly written or mispronounced character;
别字连篇 make a great number of mistakes in spelling;full of incorrect forms of words;There are a lot of characters wrongly written.;
别子 a small pin for the case of a thread-bound book or a scroll of painting or caligraphy;pendant;a tobacco pouch


[方] (改变) change (sb.'s opinion): ~ 不过 unable to dissuade;fail to talk sb. out of doing sth.
另见 see also bié。
◆别扭 (难对付) difficult to deal with;troublesome;hard to get along with;uncomfortable;can not see eye to eye;not get along well;not smooth;awkward;unnatural;disagreeable;wretched;morose;eccentric





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