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单词 inspect
inspect/ ɪn′spekt/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)检查(look ator examine carefully or formally)[T+n]:The customs officer~ed my passport. 海关官员检查我的护照。The mechanic~ed the tyres. 修理工检查轮胎。He~ed the bloodstains/every part of the machine. 他检查了血迹/机器的每个部分。

(2)检查(以发现)(examine in order to find)[T+n+prep(for)]:~the whole house for traces of damp/sb's head for lice/an object for finger prints 检查整座房子看是否有潮湿的迹象/某人的头看是否有虱子/一件东西看是否有指纹印;Cafes must be regularly~ed to find out if they are kept clean. 咖啡馆必须定期检查看其是否保持整洁。

(3)视察(visit a place officially to make sure that it is properly run)[T+n]:~a school/a factory/a regiment 视察一所学校/一家工厂/一个团;

(4)检阅(officially review troops etc)[T+n]:The visiting president (Queen/general)~ed the troops/the guard of honour. 来访的总统(女王/将军)检阅了部队/仪仗队。

→in′spection n 检查,视察,检阅;in′spector n 检(视)查员;巡官;查票员;






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