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单词 利令智昏

利令智昏lì lìng zhì hūn

be blinded by inordinate ambition (/material gains/the lust for gain); be lost to common sense due to covetousness; be so obsessed with the idea of profit-making that one loses all sense of righteousness;bend one’s principles (/better judgment) to one’s interests; lust befuddles the mind; money (/greed) tends to make one do loolish things; profit makes fools of the wise/……这些人~,对他们的办法,最好是臭骂一通。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—344)…these people are blinded by their material gains and the best way to deal with them is to give them a good dressing down.
❍ 鄙语曰: “~。”平原君贪冯亭邪说,使赵陷长平兵四十余万众,邯郸几亡。(《史记·平原君虞卿列传》2376) As the proverb says,“Profit makes fools of the wise.” Lord Pingyuan led astray by Feng Ting’s bad advice,was responsible for making Zhao lose more than four hundred thousand men in the Battle of Changping and nearly losing Handan./“~”。李敬原吸着烟,神情十分严肃。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 143)“Self-interest has befuddled his mind,”said Li Jing yuan gravely,drawing at his cigarette.


be blinded by greed or avarice; be blinded by the lust for gain

利令智昏lì lìnɡ zhì hūn

令:使;智:理智;昏:神志不清。因贪图利益而使头脑发昏,做出失去理智的事。be blinded by lusting for gain, be lost to common sense due to covetousness





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