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❶ (锋利; 锐利) sharp: ~ 刃 a sharp blade [sword]; ~ 爪 sharp claws
❷ (流利) fluent; eloquent: ~ 嘴 ~ 舌 quick of speech
❸ (顺利; 便利) favourable; convenient: 不 ~ unfavourable; 吉 ~ good fortune Ⅱ ❶ (利益) advantage; benefit: 无 ~ without benefit; 各有 ~ 弊。 Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
❷ (利润或利息) profit; interest; gains: 暴 ~ exorbitant profits; 营 ~ seek profits; 连本带 ~ both principal and interest; profit as well as capital; 无 ~ 可图 gainless
❸ (资源; 财富) resources; wealth: 水 ~ water conservancy; 地 ~ land utilization; 功 ~ utility; 名 ~ 双收 gain both honour and money
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 乾 Li Qian Ⅲ (使有利) benefit: ~ 国 ~ 民 benefit the nation and its people; 损人而不 ~ 己 harm others without benefit to oneself
◆利比里亚 Liberia; 利比亚 Libya; 利福平 {药} rifampicin; rifampin (RFP); 利改税 replacement of profits delivery by taxes; replace profit delivery with tax payment; switch from profit delivery to tax payment; substituting tax for surrendered profit; taxation instead of the delivery of profits to the state; turn profits into taxes; 利害 advantages and disadvantages; gains and losses; 利害冲突 conflict of interests; 利害 terrible; formidable; 利己主义 egoism; 利令智昏 bend one's principles to one's interest; Avarice blinds the eye of judgment.; be blinded by inordinate ambition; be blinded by self-interest; be blinded by the love of gain; be dizzied by the lust for gain; be obsessed with one's desire for material gains; 利禄 wealth and position; 利禄熏心 be enthusiastic about [for] wealth and emolument; 利率 interest rate; money rate; rate of interest; 利率大战 interest rate war; 利率到位 interest rates just to its level; 利落 agile; nimble; dexterous; neat; orderly; settled; finished; 利眠宁 {药} chlordiazepoxide; librium; 利尿 diuresis (pl. diureses); 利器 sharp weapon; good tool; efficient instrument; 利钱 interest; 利权 economic rights; financial power; 利人利己 benefit other people as well as oneself; 利人主义 altruism; 利刃 edge; a trenchant edge; 利润 profit; 利润留成 set aside [retain] a portion of the profit to be placed at the disposal of the enterprise; keep part of the profit one has made; profit retention (system); 利润率 profit margin; profit rate; rate of profit; 利润指标 profit index; 利市 [书] profit; 利税 profit and tax; 利税分流 pay tax plus a percentage of profits; 利他主义 altruism; 利息 interest; 利益 interest; gain; benefit; profit; 利用 use; utilize; make use of; take advantage of; exploit; 利用公款大吃大喝 dine and drink extravagantly at public expense; 利用率 {物} availability; coefficient of utilization; operating factor; output coefficient; use factor; utilization ratio; 利诱 lure by promise of gain; 利于 be good for; be beneficial to; 利欲熏心 be reckless with greed; Avarice and lust becloud one's heart.; be blinded [dulled] by greed; be lured by profits; be obsessed with the desire for gain; be overcome by covetousness; be possessed with [by] a lust for gain; put profit above conscience; Lustful desires becloud the heart.; 利嘴巧舌 have the gift of the gab





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