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单词 inside
inside/ ͵ ɪn′saɪd/ n & prep; adv & adj [无comp

n (1)内侧(部),里面(侧)(inner side;part or space within)[C,通常 sing]:the~of a house/building/cup 房子/大楼/杯子的内部(里面);The~of the cabinet was papered/the box was lined with silk. 橱柜的内壁用纸裱糊/盒子的里面衬上了丝织物。clean the~s of the cylinders;清洗汽缸的内部;The room is locked/The door is bolted on (from) the~. 房间从里面锁上了/门从里面插上了。walk on the~of the pavement/the sidewalk 在人行道内侧行走;The horse came up fast on the~. 那匹马从弯道内侧很快赶了上来。know the~of sb 了解某人的内心;proceed from the outside to the~由表及里;have the~on... 掌握有关……的内幕;〖同〗interior;〖反〗 outside;

(2)内脏,肠胃(inner organs of the bodyesp the stomach)[常 pl](infml):have a pain in one's~(s) 肚子疼;His~s are crying out for food. 他的肚子饿得咕咕叫。

inside out 1)里朝外地:put on(wear)one's coat/one's socks~out 反穿上(反穿着)外衣/袜子;2)完全地,彻底地:know a subject/a town/one's trade/one's work~out 通晓一门学科/一个城镇/自己的行业/自己的工作;turn a drawer/one's pockets~out 把抽屉/口袋翻了个遍;

on the inside 在内部,知内情:The thief must have had somebody on the~to help him. 这个盗贼必定有内应帮助。

→in′sider n 局(圈)内人,熟悉内幕的人;

prep (1)在(往)……里面(= inside of AmE)(to or on the inner side or part of):go quickly~a house/a shop/the drawing-room 快步走进房子/商店/客厅;put (lock) sth~a box/a cage 把某物放进(锁进)盒子/笼子里;She is~the office. 她在办公室里。the conflict~the party/the trade union 党/工会内的冲突;〖反〗outside;

(2)在……时间之内(in less than or within a certain time)(=inside of尤AmE):promise to finish the work (to arrive/to be back)~(of) two days/an hour/a week 答应在两天/一小时/一周内完成工作(到达/回来);

adv (1)在(往)里面(on or to the inner side or part of):go/come/look~进到里面/来到里面/往里面看;stay/play~待在里面/在里面玩;There was nobody/nothing~. 里面没有人/东西。a fruit with a seed~里面有籽的水果;〖反〗outside;

(2)在狱中,受监禁(in jail)(sl 尤 BrE):He was (was put)~for four years for armed robbery. 他因持枪抢劫被监禁四年。

adj (1)内部(侧)的,里面(侧)的(being on or in the inner part or space of)[作 attrib]:an~pocket/seat(衣服)里面的口袋/里侧的座位;the~arrangements of a house 房子的内部布置;the~diameter 内径;the~front/back(书、杂志的)封面/封底的里侧;the~track/lane 内圈跑道/内车道;~left/right(足球)左/右内锋;〖同〗inner,internal;〖反〗outside,outer,exterior,external;

(2)内部(幕)的(coming from or done by sb within an organization)[作 attrib]:~information 内幕消息,内线情报;an~story/man 内情(幕)/内线;The theft was definitely an~job. 那起盗窃案肯定是内部人员所为。〖同〗secret,internal;〖反〗outside,public,open;

【辨异】inside within 都表达被包围的概念。inside 更常用于小一些的事物,如:inside the box(在盒子里);within the castle(在城堡里);within 更常用来表示“不超出”,如:within two weeks(在两周内)。





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