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Ⅰ ❶ (开始的部分) at the beginning of;in the early part of: 八月 ~ early in August;in early August;
年 ~ at the beginning of the year
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 卫 Chu Wei Ⅱ (附着在数词一至十之前表示次序): ~ 一[二] the first [second] day (of a lunar month) Ⅲ ❶ (第一个) first (in order): ~ 雪 first snow;~ 战 first battle
❷ (等级最低的) elementary;rudimentary: ~级班 elementary course
❸ (原来的;原来的情况) original: ~ 愿 one's original intention;
和好如 ~ become reconciled Ⅳ (第一次;刚开始) for the first time: ~ 出炉 just out of the oven;~ 具规模 begin to take shape;~ 晴 sky has just cleared;
感冒 ~ 起 with the first symptoms of a cold
◆初版 editio princeps;first edition;
初步 initial;first step;preliminary;tentative;
初产 primiparity;
初出茅庐 just come out of one's thatched cottage — a green hand;a green horn;at the beginning of one's career;be wet behind the ears;completely inexperienced in society;fledgeling;just having one's first experience in life after graduation;make one's world debut;new-fledged;yellowing-beaked;young and inexperienced;
初创 newly established;
初春 early spring;
初次 the first time;
初等 elementary;primary;rudimentary;
初冬 early winter;
初犯 (初犯者) first offender;(第一次犯罪) first offense;first crime;commit an offence for the first time;
初伏 (头一伏) the first of the three ten-day periods of the hot season;(头伏的第一天) the first day of the first period of the hot season;
初稿 first draft;abbazzo;
初会 see sb. for the first time;
初婚 first marriage;newly married;
初级 elementary;primary;junior;initial;
初见成效 Preliminary results were achieved.;have achieved initial success;
初交 new acquaintance;recent acquaintance;
初亏 {天} first contact (of an eclipse);beginning of partial eclipse;eclipse beginning;
初恋 first love;
初露[见]锋芒 begin to display one's talent;display one's talent for the first time;
初期 prime;initial stage;early days;preliminary stage;
初秋 early autumn;
初乳 colostrum;neogala;beestings;
初赛 preliminary contest;
初丧 the period immediately after a funeral in the family;
初审 {律} trial of first instance;first trial;preliminary examination;
初生 (新生的;处于生成过程的) nascent;primary;(新出生的) newborn;
初生之犊 newborn calf;
初始 initial;
初试 (初次试验) first try;first attempt;preliminary test;(分两次考试的第一次) preliminary examination;
初试锋芒 display one's talent for the first time;first try one's ability;
初探 [书] first exploration;
初温 initial temperature;
初夏 early summer;
初项 initial term;
初小 [简] lower primary school;
初选 primary election;initial separation;original selection;primary;
初学 begin to learn;
初学者 tyro;learner in the first stage;beginner;abecedarian;“初学者通用符号指令代码”语言 (简称“BASIC”语言) “Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”language (BASIC language);
初雪 first snow;
初旬 first ten days of month;
初压 first pressing;preliminary pressure;
初叶 (某一历史时期的最初一段) early years (of a century);(初生的叶子) primordial leaf;
初愿 one's original wish;
初轧 {冶} breakdown;blooming;
初战 initial battle;
初诊 first visit (to a doctor or hospital);
初(始)值 starter;initial [original;starting] value;
初至 first arrival;
初中 [简] junior middle school;
初衷 original intention





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