释义 |
分庭抗礼fēn tíng kàng lǐbe pitted against each other; act independently and defiantly; counterpose oneself to; confront; in rivalry with; measure oneself against; make rival claims as an equal; match oneself (/one’s wits) with; meet as equals; stand up to sb. as an equal ❍ 但吴孟明认为曹化淳毕竟是皇上的家奴,所以对曹化淳处处表示尊敬,不敢~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—三十三) However,Wu Mengming thought that Cao Huachun was,after all,a family servant of the emperor. Therefore,he respected him every where and dared not to counterpose himself to Cao. ❍ 忙过几日,匡超人又进城去谢知县。知县此番便和他~,留着吃了酒饭,叫他拜做老师。(《儒林外史》209)A few days after this,Kuang Chaoren went to the city to thank Magistrate Li,who now treated him a s an equal,entertained him to a meal and offered to be his patron. ❍ 子贡结驷连骑,束帛之弊以聘享诸侯,所至,国君无不分庭与之抗礼。(《史记·货殖列传》3258) Zigong rode about with a team of four horses attended by a mounted retinue,bearing gifts of bundles of silk to be presented to the feudal lords,and whatever state he visited the ruler never failed to descend into the courtyard and greet him as an equal. 分庭抗礼stand up to sb as an equal;act independently and defiantly 分庭抗礼抗(伉)fēn tínɡ kànɡ lǐ原指客人和主人分处庭中两边,互相行礼,以示平等相待。比喻彼此以平等的关系相处,各不相下。也指相互对立。stand up to sb. as an equal, counterpose oneself to, pit against one’s wits against, act independently and defiantly |