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单词 刀枪入库

刀枪入库dāo qiāng rù kù

put the weapons away under lock and key (/back in the arsenal); sheath the sword
❍ 尤其是在前沿几个岛屿解放、同心岛驻军调走之后,他就认为敌人大股来不了,小股不敢来,因而天下也就太平了,枪刀可以入库了。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》196)It became more manifest after the islands further away from Concord had been liberated and the PLA garrison had left Concord. Everything is safe and secure,he had reasoned,and enemy in large numbers cannot reach Concord,while small batches of enemy won't dare to attempt it. He was all for “back to the plough and nets; the fighting is all over.”/敌人正在磨刀霍霍,你却~了。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》215) The enemy is busily sharpening his weapons and you’ve put yours away,under lock and key!





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