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Ⅰ ❶ (切、割、削、砍、铡的工具) knife;sword:餐 ~ table knife;
钝 ~ dull [blunt] knife;
锋利的 ~ trenchant sword;
快 ~ sharp knife;
磨 ~ sharpen a sword
❷ (形状像刀的东西) sth. shaped like a knife:冰 ~ ice skates
❸ (古代一种形状像刀的货币) ancient coin in the form of a knife
❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 强 Dao QiangⅡ (计算纸张的单位,通常为一百张) one hundred sheets (of paper):一 ~ 草纸 one hundred sheets of toilet paper;
按 ~ 数卖 sell by the set of one hundred sheets
◆刀耙 blade harrow;
刀把子 (刀柄) (sword) hilt;(权柄) military power;power;(把柄) sth. that may be used against one;a handle;
刀背 the back of a knife blade;
刀笔 writing of indictments,appeals,etc.;pettifoggery;
刀币 knife money;
刀兵 (武器) weapons;arms;(战争) fighting;war;
刀柄 (刀把儿) hilt;knife handle;(犁刀柄) colter arm;
刀叉 knife and fork;
刀豆 Canavalia glodiata;sword bean;jack bean;
刀锋 blade point;tool point;cutter point;the point [edge] of a knife;
刀斧手 [古] executioners;
刀耕火种 slash-and- burn cultivation;the “slash-and-burn” farming method;
刀光剑影 the glint and flash of cold steel;(on the battle fields) flashing with knives and swords;sabre-rattling;engaged in hot battle;the flashes and shadows of swords;
刀痕 {机} tool marks;
刀架 {机} blade adapter;blade carrier;cutter frame;cutter saddle;finger bar;tool block;tool carrier;tool mounting;tool post;tool rest;tool support;tool-carrying device;carriage;knife rest;
刀剑 cutlery;knife and sword;
刀具 cutter;tool;bit tool;knife tool;
刀口 (刀刃) cutter point;tool edge;knife edge;(比喻最能发挥作用的地方) where a thing can be put to best use;the crucial point;the right spot;cut;incision;
刀马旦 a female character type versed in ,swordplay,etc. in Chinese operas;
刀片 (刮胡刀片) razor blade;{机} (片状零件) (tool) bit;blade;cutter blade;fly-bar;
刀枪 sword and spear;weapons;
刀枪不入 neither swords nor spears can enter [penetrate];can make no impression on ... either with sword or spear;invulnerable;No blade and spear can pierce it.;proof against spear thrusts and sword cuts;
刀枪入库,马放南山 put the weapons back in the arsenal and graze the war-horses on the hillside;relax vigilance against war;
刀鞘 sheath;scabbard;
刀刃 (刀口) the edge of a knife;cutter edge;knife edge;tool edge;bit;blade point;blade;(最能发挥作用的地方) where a thing can be put to best use;the crucial point;
刀伤 cut;a knife wound;
刀鱼 Coilia ectenes;the long-tailed anchovy;[方] (带鱼) hairtail;
刀子 [口] small knife;pocketknife;
刀俎 [书] butcher's knife and chopping board








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