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单词 出没无常

出没无常chū mò wú cháng

appear and disappear irregularly (/sporadically/unexpectedly/un predictably); appear suddenly and be gone just as quickly;come without warning and quickly dis appear
❍ 魏强带领他的小队,又在金线河的两侧日日夜夜~地活动起来。(冯志《敌后武工队》184) Wei Qiang led his team day and night,appearing and dis appearing irregularly in movement west of the river.
❍ 从此游击队日日夜夜飘忽不定,~。(刘白羽《火光在前》73) They were constantly on the move thereafter; they appeared suddenly and were gone just as quickly.
❍ 县里转报到省,强盗就变成了土匪,“聚众二三百,~,枪械犀利。”(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—188) Relaying the report to the provincial government,the county converted the robbers into bandits,“between two and three hundred,all heavily armed,who came without warning and quickly disappeared after commission of the offence.”

出没无常chū mò wú chánɡ

出现和隐没都变化不定,让人难以捉摸。come and go unpredictally, appear and disappear unexpectedly, come without warning and quickly disappear





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