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单词 出头露面

出头露面chū tóu lù miàn

appear in public; be in the limelight; be in the public eye; come to the front; come out into the open;go to all the important functions;show oneself (in public)
❍ 李桂荣个子不大,长挂脸,心眼多,平日不~,招出事来就往张富英身上一推。(周立波《暴风骤雨》245) Li Guirong was a short man with a long face,as cunning as they come. He did not show himself often in public,and whenver anything went wrong he just laid the blame on Zhang Fuying.
❍ 自从工会改造以后,老董便很少有~的机会。(草明《原动力》125) Ever since the second election in the Workers’Union Dong had had very few chances to shine in public.
❍ 皇上天威,不宜~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》294) It would injure Your Majesty’s celestial dignity were you to show your face.


be in the limelight; make a public appearance

出头露面chù tóu lù miàn

在人多的场合出现。有时也表示出风头表现自己。appear in public, come to the front, show oneself in public, be in the limelight





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