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单词 出口成章

出口成章chū kǒu chéng zhāng

a good impromptu talker; speak (/talk) beautifully;talk with adroit phrases;words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master
❍ 人皆言子建~,臣未深信。主上可召入,以才试之。(《三国演义》678) People say your brother simply talks in literature. I do not believe it myself,but he might be put to the test.
❍ 彼都人士,狐裘黄黄。其容不改,出言有章。行归于周,万民所望。(《诗经·小雅·都仕》) In the old capital they stood,|With yellow fox furs plain,|Their manners all correct and good,|Speech free from vulgar stain.|Could we go back to Zhou’s old days,|All would look up to them with praise.

出口成章chū kǒu chénɡ zhānɡ

话出口就成文章。words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master, talk in literature, speak beautifully, talk with adroit phrases





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