释义 |
出乎意料出入意外;出乎意外chū hū yì liàoagainst(/beyond) one’s expectations; be surprised(/astonished); be taken aback; be taken by surprise; cap the climax; come as a surprise; exceed(/surpass/be contrary to) one’s expectations; out of one’s reckoning; to one’s surprise ❍ 我感到太~了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》435) I was astonish ed. ❍ 只有几个当场肯认错的或流出眼泪的,却~得到他的奖许,好像刚才做了一件非常光荣的事。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》111) There were one or two boys who confessed on the spot or burst into tears; they were surprised when he started praising them as if they’d done something to be proud of./“你也高兴弄这些事情么?”冰如略觉~。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》79) “You mean you like doing that sort of thing?” Bingru seemed rather taken aback. ❍ ~的是蒋华放松了拉住方裕衣襟的手,旋转身来,要走开去的样子; 对于陆先生的处置,似乎并没听见。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》95) To the master’s surprise,Jiang Hua let go of Fang Yu’s gown and immediately turned as if to walk away,apparently unaware of what Lu Sanfu had told him to do. ❍ 细菌战是出人意外的事情,作为科学家,我们都很痛心。(曹禺《明朗的天》113) Germ warfare is something unexpected. As scientists,we’re all grieved to hear of it. ❍ 最出人意外的是“佯狂”(装疯)两个字。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》176)The phrase “to feign madness”is an unusual rev elation. 出乎意料unexpected;unforeseen;contrary to one’s expectations; exceeding one’s expectations 出乎意料chū hū yì liào超出人们的想象之外。unexpectedly, show off, cut a smart figure, beyond expectation, by contraries, out of a clear sky |