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单词 凶神恶煞

凶神恶煞xiōng shén è shà

cutthroats; devils;evil spirits; ferocious gods; fiends
❍ 这帮~,夹起尾巴威风扫地,听见树叶响,也当是中了埋伏; …… (杜鹏程 《保卫延安》570) Tails between their legs,their spirits dragging on the ground,the KMT cutthroats feared an ambush every time they heard the rustle of the leaves in the trees.
❍ 这是什么~来作践人? (杜鹏程《保卫延安》54) What kind of evil spirits are these Whites to come and oppress us?/这座西大庙里头有各种~的泥像,一个个挺胸鼓肚,呲牙瞪眼。(石文驹《战地红缨》 145) In the temple were vivid clay figures of ferocious gods with bulging stomachs and glaring eyes.
❍ 一个~似的便衣特务,踢开门,闯了进来,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》17) A savage enemy agent in plain clothes kicked the door open and crashed in.

凶神恶煞xiōnɡ shén è shà

煞:凶神。原指凶恶的神。现多指用以借指凶狠或凶恶的人。devils, fiends, cut throats, evil spirits, fierce demons and devils





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