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单词 凶多吉少

凶多吉少xiōng duō jí shǎo

be fraught with grim possibilities; bode ill rather than well; forebode disasters rather than blessings; fortune frowns on sb;not omen well; the signs of the time are un favourable
❍ 匡超人到处求神问卜,~,……(《儒林外史》209) …and although Kuang Chaoren offered prayers and consulted oracles,the answer was always dis couraging.
❍ 众人焦心地议论着石得富和石永公~。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》181) Everyone bemoaned the bad luck of Defu and Yonggong.
❍ 现在儿孙监禁,自然~,皆由我一人罪孽,不教儿孙,所以至此。(《红楼梦》1366) Now my son and grandsons are in jail and fortune is frowning on them. I alone am responsible for these misfortunes because I failed to give them the proper training.


biding ill rather than well;be fraught with grim possibilities


bode ill rather than well;be faced with a precarious situation; be fraught with grim possibilities

凶多吉少xiōnɡ duō jí shǎo

指凶险的事多而吉利的事少。be fraught with grim possibilities, not to omen well, bode ill rather than well





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