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❶ {动} (凤凰) phoenix
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 翕如 Feng Xiru
◆凤蝶 Papilio;papilionoid;papilionid;swallowtail;
凤飞麟散 There are no wise men in the government.;
凤肝龙心 rare delicacies;
凤阁龙楼 imperial palace;
凤冠 phoenix coronet;
凤冠霞帔 phoenix coronet and robes of rank;a chaplet and official robes;
凤冠雉 curassow;
凤果 Garcinia mangostana;
凤凰 fenghuang;fung-hwang;phoenix;
凤凰来仪 The phoenix has appeared.;A phoenix has been seen to bow (at ...).;A phoenix appears at court — an auspicious omen.;
凤凰于飞 The two phoenixes fly side by side.;a wedding compliment;conjugal harmony [happiness];The male and famale phoenixes are flying together — conjugal felicity.;The pair fly together happily.;
凤凰占枝 The phoenix perched on a high branch.;
凤梨 pineapple;bromeliad;bromel;bromelia;
凤了草 bamboo fern;
凤螺 stromb;
凤毛济美 rare and precious things or persons;
凤毛麟角 the hair of a phoenix and the horns of a giraffe — very rare;phoenix feathers and unicorn's horn;rare and precious things [persons];凤鸣龙吟 (have) the voice of a phoenix and the notes of a dragon;
凤鸣朝阳 phoenix singing in the morning sun — good omen for the country;
凤翣龙旌 dragon banners and phoenix umbrellas;
凤山阶 Fengshanian stage;
凤生凤,龙生龙,老鼠生的会打洞 As a phoenix little phoenixes begets and a dragon's sons are dragons all,so what is born of rats is capable of boring into a wall.;
凤头潜鸭 tufted duck;tufted pochard;
凤头鹦鹉 corella;
凤头江鸟 morillon;
凤尾草 {中药} phoenix-tail fern;Herba Pteridis multifidae;bracken;
凤尾兰 moundlily;
凤尾鸮 fern owl;
凤尾鱼 anchovy;coilia mystus;
凤尾竹 fernleaf hedge bamboo;Bambusa multiplex;
凤仙花 impatiens balsamina;jewelweed;touch-me-not;garden balsam;balsamine;
凤眼兰 water hyacinth;Eichhornia crassipes


phoenix (traditional symbols of the monarch)





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