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❶ (凝结) congeal; curdle; coagulate: ~ 成固体 become solid; 牛奶 ~ 结了。 The milk has curdled.
❷ (注意力集中) fix: ~ 视天空 gaze into the sky; 她深思地 ~ 视着远方。 She stared thoughtfully into the distance.
❸ [书] (冰冻; 结冰) freeze; ice up; ice over
❹ [书] (形成) form; turn into
❺ [书] (坚定; 巩固) firm; consolidate; strengthen; solidify
❻ [书] (停止) stop; halt Ⅱ [书] ❶ (静止) static; motionless; at a standstill
❷ (徐缓) slow; gentle; soft
◆凝成 congeal into; solidify; cement; 凝点 condensation point; 凝冻 freeze; 凝固 solidify; solidification; coagulation; congealing;clotting; hardening; solidifying; freezing; 凝华 {气} sublimate; 凝灰岩 tuff; tosca; 凝集 agglutinate; agglutination; 凝胶 gel; 凝结 condense; condensatio; coagulate; congeal; congealment; freeze-up; clotting; curdle; coagulation; 凝聚 condense; coherence; coagulating; coacervation; coagulation; condensation; conglomeration; 凝聚力 the cohesion; 凝块 coagulum (pl. coagula); clot; crassamentum; gelosis (pl. geloses); grume; concretion; 凝眸[目] [书] focus one's eyes upon; 凝汽器 (steam) condenser; 凝神 with fixed [concentrated; rapet] attention; attentively; 凝视 gaze fixedly; stare; 凝思 be buried in thought; be deep in contemplation; 凝想 meditate; 凝血剂 coagulant; 凝血素 haemoglutinin; 凝血酸 {药} tranexamic acid; trans-4-(aminome-thyl) cyclohexane ̄ car-boxylic acid; 凝血药 {医} coagulant; 凝滞 stagnate; move sluggishly





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