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单词 凄风苦雨

凄风苦雨qī fēng kǔ yǔ

wailing wind and weeping rain—wretched circumstances; in a sorry plight
❍ 可是一见到野菜,那挨门乞讨的日子和~般的童年,又在脑子里浮现出来。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》303) But when he saw those wild herbs,memories of his bitter childhood,of begging from door to door,of chill wind and cruel rain,flooded back upon him.
❍ 母子二人半饥半饿,在~里,流浪好些年。(周立波《暴风骤雨》30) For several years they wandered homeless and hungry in the wind and the rain.
❍ 在一个~的秋夜里,冀中九分区留下的一支坚持地区的部队,也被环境迫得跟随参谋长朝铁路以西的山区根据地撤退了。(冯志《敌后武工队》 2) One stormy autumn night,a unit which the Central Hebei Ninth Military Sub-district Command had asked to stay behind to fight on in the area was also forced to follow the chief of staff in a retreat to the base area in the mountains west of the railway.
❍ 夜里,~,我们睡在冰冷的地上,周围真象坟墓一样的静寂。(杨沫《青春之歌》101)At night,the wind moaned and the rain beat down as we slept on the cold,cold ground,while everything else around was as silent as the grave.

凄风苦雨qi feng ku yu

❶wailing wind and weeping rain

凄风苦雨qī fēnɡ kǔ yǔ

凄风:寒冷的风;苦雨:久下不止的雨。形容天气非常恶劣;也比喻处境非常悲惨凄凉。wretched circumstances, wailing wind and weeping rain, bleak wind and wretched rain





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