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单词 冷若冰霜

冷若冰霜lěng ruò bīng shuāng

as cold as ice (/frost); have an icy (/a chilly) manner; stern
❍ 那本来就“~”的书茵,也就有意把自己的脸板得更加严冷。(高云览《小城春秋》230) The “frosty” Shuyin was particularly cold in her presence.
❍ 等钟粹宫的太监喊出 “接驾”二字,她已经从凤辇中走下来,望着慌忙跪在地下接驾的太子,和许多太监、宫女,一言不发,神气~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—822) She had already left her chair before the eunuchs had time to announce her arrival,and her face was stern as she watched the crown prince,his eunuchs and maids hastily kneel down in the courtyard.

冷若冰霜leng ruo bing shuang

(usually of women) as cold as ice

冷若冰霜lěnɡ ruò bīnɡ shuānɡ

冷淡得像冰霜一样。比喻待人态度十分冷淡,一点也不热情;也比喻态度严厉,不易接近。frosty in manner, as cold as ice and frost, as chill as an icicle





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