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单词 冶金

冶金yě jīnMetallurgy

“沸腾层”焙烧法 [fèi ténɡ cénɡ bèi shāo fǎ] roasting in fluidized bed
安全系数 [ān quán xì shù] coefficient of safety
板材矫直机 [bǎn cái jiǎo zhí jī] levelling machine
半钢 [bàn ɡānɡ] semi-steel
薄板厂 [báo bǎn chǎnɡ] sheet-steel mill
薄钢板 [báo ɡānɡ bǎn] steel sheet
贝士麦氏转炉 [bèi shì mài shì zhuǎn lú] Bessemer converter
不锈钢 [bú xiù ɡānɡ] stainless steel
槽钢 [cáo ɡānɡ] channel steel
侧吹 [cè chuī] side blow
超高强度钢 [chāo ɡāo qiánɡ dù ɡānɡ] super-high strength steel
沉淀 [chén diàn] precipitate
成型钢板 [chénɡ xínɡ ɡānɡ bǎn] shaped steel plate
冲天炉 [chōnɡ tiān lú] blast cupola
冲压 [chōnɡ yā] stamping
初轧 [chū yà] roughing/breaking down
初轧厂 [chū yà chǎnɡ] rough rolling mill
出钢 [chū ɡānɡ] tapping
出钢口 [chū ɡānɡ kǒu] tapping hole
出气口 [chū qì kǒu] gas outlet
出铁 [chū tiě] tapping
出铁道 [chū tiě dào] iron runner
出铁口 [chū tiě kǒu] tapping hole
催化剂 [cuī huà jì] catalyst
大型轧钢厂 [dà xínɡ zhá ɡānɡ chǎnɡ] heavy steel rolling mill
单相 [dān xiànɡ] monophase
弹簧钢 [tán huánɡ ɡānɡ] spring steel
低合金高强度结构钢 [dī hé jīn ɡāo qiánɡ dù jié ɡòu ɡānɡ] low-alloy high strength structural steel
低炭钢 [dī tàn ɡānɡ] low carbon steel
底吹 [dǐ chuī] bottom blow
电弧炉 [diàn hú lú] electric arc furnace
电炉 [diàn lú] electric furnace
电热和压热法 [diàn rè hé yā rè fǎ] electro-thermal and autoclave treatment
电冶金学 [diàn yě jīn xué] electro-metallurgy
定料炼钢法 [dìnɡ liào liàn ɡānɡ fǎ] fixing the raw material quota for open hearth furnace
镀锌铁丝 [dù xīn tiě sī] galvanized iron wire
锻压 [duàn yā] forging and pressing
锻造水压机 [duàn zào shuǐ yā jī] hydraulic forging press
反围盘 [fǎn wéi pán] reverse repeater
放气 [fànɡ qì] air escape
废钢 [fèi ɡānɡ] scrap steel
废铁 [fèi tiě] scrap iron
粉末金属 [fěn mò jīn shǔ] powdered metal
粉末冶金 [fěn mò yě jīn] powder metallurgy
封炉 [fēnɡ lú] banking up
风管 [fēnɡ ɡuǎn] wind pipe
风口 [fēnɡ kǒu] tuyere; air hole
浮渣 [fú zhā] dross
复合不锈钢薄板 [fù hé bú xiù ɡānɡ báo bǎn] clad stainless sheet steel
复相 [fù xiànɡ] polyphase
附属加工厂 [fù shǔ jiā ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] subsidiary factory
坩埚炼钢 [ɡān ɡuō liàn ɡānɡ] crucible process
干燥机 [ɡān zào jī] drying machine
感应加热机 [ɡǎn yìnɡ jiā rè jī] induction heating machine
钢材 [ɡānɡ cái] steels
钢锭 [ɡānɡ dìnɡ] steel ingot/bar
钢坯 [ɡānɡ pī] steel billet
钢水 [ɡānɡ shuǐ] molten steel
钢丝 [ɡānɡ sī] steel wire
钢铁 [ɡānɡ tiě] steel and iron
钢铁联合企业 [ɡānɡ tiě lián hé qǐ yè] integrated iron and steel works; iron and steel complex
钢性铸铁 [ɡānɡ xìnɡ zhù tiě] semi-steel
高合金结构钢 [ɡāo hé jīn jié ɡòu ɡānɡ] high alloy-structural steel
高级炭素钢 [ɡāo jí tàn sù ɡānɡ] high-grade carbon steel
高炉 [ɡāo lú] blast furnace
高炉温度自动记录器 [ɡāo lú wēn dù zì dònɡ jì lù qì] automatic temperature recording metre for the blast furnace
高强度钢筋 [ɡāo qiánɡ dù ɡānɡ jīn] high strength steel wire
高速炼钢法 [ɡāo sù liàn ɡānɡ fǎ] high-speed steel smelting technique
高炭钢 [ɡāo tàn ɡānɡ] high carbon steel
高温合金 [ɡāo wēn hé jīn] high temperature-resisting alloy
铬钢 [ɡè ɡānɡ] chromium steel
工具钢 [ɡōnɡ jù ɡānɡ] tool steel
工字钢 [ɡōnɡ zì ɡānɡ] I steel beam
观察孔 [ɡuān chá kǒnɡ] poking door; inspection hole
灌模子 [ɡuàn mú zi] pouring ingot mould
灌铁水 [ɡuàn tiě shuǐ] iron filling
硅钢 [ɡuī ɡānɡ] silicon steel
含碳成分 [hán tàn chénɡ fèn] carbon content
焊接钢管 [hàn jiē ɡānɡ ɡuǎn] welded pipe
耗热量 [hào rè liànɡ] heat consumption
合金钢 [hé jīn ɡānɡ] alloy steel
黑色金属 [hēi sè jīn shǔ] ferrous metals
虹吸出铁 [hónɡ xī chū tiě] tapping of the copula by siphon
厚钢板 [hòu ɡānɡ bǎn] steel plate
化铁厂 [huà tiě chǎnɡ] iron-smelting plant
化铁炉 [huà tiě lú] blast cupola
还原剂 [huán yuán jì] reducing agent; reducer
黄铜板 [huánɡ tónɡ bǎn] brass sheet
黄铜管 [huánɡ tónɡ ɡuǎn] brass pipe
回转炉 [huí zhuǎn lú] rotary furnace
混铁炉 [hùn tiě lú] hot-metal mixer
火法冶金 [huǒ fǎ yě jīn] pyrometallurgy
挤压 [jǐ yā] extrusion; squeezing
加热炉 [jiā rè lú] heating furnace
碱性法 [jiǎn xìnɡ fǎ] basic process/practice
剪切机 [jiǎn qiē jī] shears
剪条机 [jiǎn tiáo jī] bar shears
建筑钢材 [jiàn zhù ɡānɡ cái] structural steel
焦比 [jiāo bǐ] coke ratio
焦化 [jiāo huà] coking
矫直机 [jiǎo zhí jī] straightening machine
角钢 [jiǎo ɡānɡ] angle
角铁 [jiǎo tiě] angle
截板机 [jié bǎn jī] plate cutter
结构钢 [jié ɡòu ɡānɡ] structural steel
金属加工 [jīn shǔ jiā ɡōnɡ] metal working
金属探伤 [jīn shǔ tàn shānɡ] fault detection in metal
精密合金 [jīnɡ mì hé jīn] precision alloy
精密轧制 [jīnɡ mì yà zhì] precision rolling
精轧 [jīnɡ zhá] planishing; finishing
抗低温钢板 [kànɡ dī wēn ɡānɡ bǎn] low temperature resistant steel plate
空气调节 [kōnɡ qì tiáo jié] air conditioning
空气冷却的 [kōnɡ qì lěnɡ què de] air-cooled
快速检修法 [kuài sù jiǎn xiū fǎ] high speed repair
拉拔 [lā bá] drawing
冷轧 [lěnɡ zhá] cold rolling
冷轧机 [lěnɡ zhá jī] cold rolling mill
离心鼓风机 [lí xīn ɡǔ fēnɡ jī] centrifugal blower
利用系数 [lì yònɡ xì shù] utilization coefficient
连续浇铸钢 [lián xù jiāo zhù ɡānɡ] continuous steel-pouring
连续铸锭 [lián xù zhù dìnɡ] continuous casting
连铸连拉 [lián zhù lián lā] continuous casting and drawing
炼钢厂 [liàn ɡānɡ chǎnɡ] steel mill/works
炼焦厂 [liàn jiāo chǎnɡ] coking plant
炼焦炉 [liàn jiāo lú] coke oven
炼焦煤 [liàn jiāo méi] coking coal
炼铁厂 [liàn tiě chǎnɡ] blast furnace plant
炼铜炉 [liàn tónɡ lú] copper smelting furnace
炉衬 [lú chèn] lining
炉衬寿命 [lú chèn shòu mìnɡ] life span of furnace lining
炉顶 [lú dǐnɡ] furnace top/roof
炉料 [lú liào] charge
炉门 [lú mén] furnace door
炉膛 [lú tánɡ] hearth
炉渣 [lú zhā] slag
马丁炉 [mǎ dīnɡ lú] Martin furnace
马口铁 [mǎ kǒu tiě] galvanized iron; tin plate
煤耗 [méi hào] coal consumption
锰钢 [měnɡ ɡānɡ] manganese steel
密封 [mì fēnɡ] air-tight; hermetically sealed
钼钢 [mù ɡānɡ] molybdenum steel
耐火材料 [nài huǒ cái liào] refractory (material)
耐火泥 [nài huǒ ní] refractory clay
耐火砖 [nài huǒ zhuān] refractory (fire) brick
耐热钢 [nài rè ɡānɡ] heat-resisting steel
耐蚀钢 [nài shí ɡānɡ] corrosion-resisting steel
镍钢 [niè ɡānɡ] nickel steel
排气装置 [pái qì zhuānɡ zhì] air exhausting device
平炉 [pínɡ lú] open hearth furnace
球墨铸铁 [qiú mò zhù tiě] nodular (graphite) cast iron; nodular iron cast
全风快料法 [quán fēnɡ kuài liào fǎ] full blast and fast travelling of the charge to cut down melting time
热风炉 [rè fēnɡ lú] hot-blast stove
热容量 [rè rónɡ liànɡ] heat capacity
热压 [rè yā] hot-pressing
热轧 [rè ɡá] hot rolling
熔剂 [rónɡ jì] flux
软质黑铁丝 [ruǎn zhì hēi tiě sī] black annealed iron wire
上注 [shànɡ zhù] pour from the top
烧结 [shāo jiē] sintering
渗碳法 [shèn tàn fǎ] cementation
生铁 [shēnɡ tiě] pig iron
湿法冶金 [shī fǎ yě jīn] hydrometallurgy
熟铁 [shú tiě] wrought iron
水力剪切机 [shuǐ lì jiǎn qiē jī] hydraulic shearing machine
水力冶金加工联合法 [shuǐ lì yě jīn jiā ɡōnɡ lián hé fǎ] combined concentration and hydro-metallurgical treatment of ores
水压机 [shuǐ yā jī] hydraulic press
探伤 [tàn shānɡ] fault detection
炭素结构钢 [tàn sù jié ɡòu ɡānɡ] carbon structural steel
特厚槽形钢 [tè hòu cáo xínɡ ɡānɡ] extra-thick channel steel
特殊仪表用钢 [tè shū yí biǎo yònɡ ɡānɡ] special steel for making instruments
铁轨 [tiě ɡuǐ] rail
铁矿石 [tiě kuànɡ shí] iron ore
铁砂 [tiě shā] iron ore
铁渣 [tiě zhā] dross
停闭 [tínɡ bì] luting
铜板 [tónɡ bǎn] copper sheet
铜管 [tónɡ ɡuǎn] copper pipe
土高炉 [tǔ ɡāo lú] native-style blast furnace
脱氧剂 [tuō yǎnɡ jì] reducing agent; reducer
弯板机 [wān bǎn jī] bending machine
钨钢 [wū ɡānɡ] wolfram/tungsten steel
无缝钢管 [wú fènɡ ɡānɡ ɡuǎn] seamless steel tube
无缝钢管厂 [wú fènɡ ɡānɡ ɡuǎn chǎnɡ] seamless steel tubing mill
析出 [xī chū] precipitate
稀有金属 [xī yǒu jīn shǔ] rare metals
下注 [xià zhù] pour from the bottom
氧化剂 [yǎnɡ huà jì] oxidizing agent; oxidizer
氧气顶吹转炉 [yǎnɡ qì dǐnɡ chuī zhuǎn lú] top-blown oxygen converter
氧气炼钢 [yǎnɡ qì liàn ɡānɡ] oxygen steelmaking process
冶金工业 [yě jīn ɡōnɡ yè] metallurgical industry
一炉钢 [yī lú ɡānɡ] a heat of steel
异形钢管 [yì xínɡ ɡānɡ ɡuǎn] shaped pipe
硬模 [yìnɡ mó] die
用泥封闭 [yònɡ ní fēnɡ bì] luting
优质钢 [yōu zhì ɡānɡ] high-grade steel
有色金属 [yǒu sè jīn shǔ] non-ferrous metals
有效容积 [yǒu xiào rónɡ jī] useful/working volume
造船钢板 [zào chuán ɡānɡ bǎn] ship plate
轧材 [ɡá cái] rolled steel
轧钢机 [zhá ɡānɡ jī] rolling mill
轧条机 [yà tiáo jī] bar mill
真空精炼 [zhēn kōnɡ jīnɡ liàn] vacuum refining
真空铸造 [zhēn kōnɡ zhù zào] vacuum pressing and casting
蒸馏炉 [zhēnɡ liú lú] distilling furnace
中板厂 [zhōnɡ bǎn chǎnɡ] medium plate mill
中板轧机 [zhōnɡ bǎn zhá jī] medium plate rolling machine
重型冶炼设备 [zhònɡ xínɡ yě liàn shè bèi] heavy equipment for metallurgy
铸钢 [zhù ɡānɡ] cast steel
铸铁 [zhù tiě] cast iron
铸铁厂 [zhù tiě chǎnɡ] iron foundry
铸型 [zhù xínɡ] mould
转炉 [zhuǎn lú] converter
装料 [zhuānɡ liào] loading; charge
装料机 [zhuānɡ liào jī] charging machine
装料门 [zhuānɡ liào mén] charging hole
自动加煤 [zì dònɡ jiā méi] automatic stoking
自动卸料 [zì dònɡ xiè liào] automatic discharge





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