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单词 冲锋陷阵

冲锋陷阵chōng fēng xiàn zhèn

assault the enemy and press forward) break (/smash) into enemy ranks) charge against enemy fire; charge (/storm)and shatter enemy position; charge (/rush) on the enemy and break the line; fight in the van; launch oneself into the forefront of the fight; start (/make)an onslaught and break through the enemy position
❍ 鲁迅是在文化战线上,代表全民族的大多数,向着敌人~的最正确,最坚决、最忠实、最热忱的空前的民族英雄。(《毛泽东选集》 658) Representing the great majority of the nation,Lu Xun breached and stormed the enemy citadel; on the cultural front he was the bravest and most correct,the firmest,the most loyal and the most ardent national hero,a hero without parallel in our history.
❍ 然后骑上自行车,沿着蜿蜒的山路,飞也似地骑了下去,好像在~似的。(艾芜《百炼成钢》 208) Then,mounting his bicycle and following a twisting mountain oath,he swiftly rode off,as though he were charging ahead in battle.
❍ 虽然她从来不曾很好地练过武艺,作战时也用不上她亲自~,但是她在紧急的日子里很少离开这口宝剑。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—142) In these tense times she was seldom without this sword,not that she spent much time on military training or would have been expected to join in battles,but she was always ready to tight…with this sword. /潘信诚自己想退后一步,让这些年青的人在前面~争到利益反正大家都有份的,…… (周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—442) Pan Xincheng thought to step back and let the younger men launch themselves into the forefront of the fight since if they gained any advantage everyone would share in it in any case.
❍ 我们啦,~就可以。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—241) What we can do is to make the onslaught!/他感到他负伤的最大不幸,不是自己的肌体受了摧残,遭到痛苦,而是失去了在莱芜大战里~杀敌立功的战斗机会。(吴强《红日》277) It seemed to him that the most unfortunate thing about being wounded was not the physical injury and the pain but missing the opportunity of storming the enemy's position and breaking through and killing them and adding more heroic feats to his record in the great battle at Laiwu.


charging and shattering enemy positions;charging the enemy lines(/forward)


charge against the enemy line;fight bravely (or valiantly)

冲锋陷阵chōnɡ fēnɡ xiàn zhèn

陷:深入,攻破。向敌人冲击,深入敌阵。比喻英勇作战。charge forward,assault the enemy and press forward, fight in the van, break into enemy ranks





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