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❶ (冤枉; 冤屈) wrong; injustice: 不白之 ~ unrighted wrong; unredressed injustice; 申 ~ redress an injustice; right a wrong
❷ (冤仇) feeling of bitterness; hatred; enmity: 结 ~ become enemies; contract enmity Ⅱ (吃亏; 不合算) bad luck; loss; disadvantage: 花 ~ 钱 waste money; not get one's money's worth; 白跑一趟, 真 ~! What bad luck, nothing came of my trip. Ⅲ [方] (欺骗) kid; fool; pull sb.'s leg: 别 ~ 人! Don't kid me!; 我不 ~ 你。 I'm not kidding.
◆冤案 unjust case; injustices; 冤仇 rancour; enmity; 冤大头 a person deceived on account of his generosity; 冤家 enemy; foe; opponent; one's destined love; sweetheart; lover; 冤家对头 a bitter enemy; deep-seated antagonists; Enemies meet face to face.; opponent and foe;(to be) someone's enemy; sworn enemy; 冤家路狭[窄] The road of enemies is narrow — they will surely meet.; Enemies are fated to meet.; Opponents always meet.; The paths cross.; The road is narrow for enemies.; 冤家[仇]宜解不宜结 If enmity is not settled amicably there is no end to it.; Better to get rid of an enmity than keep it alive.; 冤屈 wrong; treat unjustly; wrongful treatment; injustice; 冤枉 wrong; treat unjustly; not worthwhile; not repaying the effort; 冤枉路 the unnecessary long way one has travelled; 冤狱 verdict; unjust verdict; 冤冤相报 Their mutual injuries were avenged on each other.; An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.; Each revenges the other.

❷hatred;enmity;feud; feeling of bitterness
❸not worthwhile;in vain;for nothing
钱花得太~。The money was spend in vain./喊~ complain of injustice/伸~ redress a grievance;right a wrong/不白之~be wrongly accused/结~incur hatred of;become enemies;start a feud/跑~路run all the way for nothing





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