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单词 impression
impression/ ɪm′pre⨜n/ n

(1)印象,感觉(deep lasting effect on the mind or feelings of sb or sth)[C]:create/gain/obtain an~(使)产生/获得/得到一种印象;make/leave a deep~on sb 给某人留下深刻的印象;confirm/deepen an~证实/加深印象;an accurate/indelible/erroneous/inaccurate~准确/不可磨灭/错误/不准确的印象;a lasting/profound/strong~ 持久/深刻/强烈的印象;a favourable/good/bad/painful/pleasant/vivid~ 好/好/坏/痛苦/令人愉快/清晰的印象;an excellent/unfavourable~ 极好/不好的印象;the first/fleeting/general~第一/瞬间即逝/总的印象;a false/wrong~一种假象/错觉;What's your~of the new teacher? 你对新老师的印象如何?

(2)(模糊、不确定的)想法(感觉或观点)(vague or uncertain ideafeeling or opinion)[C,尤sing] [N(of),Nc]:~s of his recent trip abroad 他最近在国外旅行的观感;He gave the~of being a diligent student/that he studied diligently. 他给人的感觉是个勤奋的学生/学习勤奋。I have an~that we've taken the wrong road.我觉得我们好像走错了路。We were under the~that they were brothers. 我们以为他们是兄弟。

(3)(有趣的)模仿(amusing imitation of a well-known person)[C] [N(of)]:Have you seen her~s of the TV newscaster? 你看到她有趣地模仿那位电视播音员了吗?A boy student did some marvellous~s of the teachers at the party. 在联欢会上一个男生惟妙惟肖地模仿了一些老师的言行。

(4)印记,压痕(mark left by pressingstampprint)[C]:the~of a seal on wax/an insect in a fossil 印在蜡封上的印记/化石里一只昆虫留下的痕迹;the~of a hand/a foot/the fingers 手/脚/手指印;The suspect's shoes left deep~s in the mud. 嫌疑犯的鞋在泥地上留下深深的印迹。

(5)书的一次印刷(single printing of a book)[C] [常sing]:This is the third/fifth~of this edition of the book. 这是该书本版的第三/第五次印刷。a first~of 5000 copies 第一次印刷 5000 册;The first~of this book was sold out very quickly,so two more~s were ordered. 第一次印刷的这本书很快就售完了,因此又印了两次。

←im′press vt;

→im′pressionism n 印象派(主义);im′pres-sionist n 印象派艺术家;im′pressionable adj 可塑的,易受影响的;im͵pressiona′bility n 可塑性,易感性





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