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❶ (军队) armed forces;army;troops: 参 ~ join the army;
敌 ~ enemy troops;the enemy
❷ (参加某种活动的许多人) army;contingent: 劳动 ~ labour army;contingent of labour forces;
筑路大 ~ a large contingent of road builders
❸ (军队的编制单位) army: 红军第四 ~ the Fourth Army of the Red Army;~ 以上干部 cadres including and above the level of army commander;cadres of army level and above;
全歼敌人一个 ~ wipe out an enemy army
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 阳 Jun Yang
◆军备 armament;arms;
军备竞赛 arms race;
军便服 undress uniform;
军便帽 forage cap;
军部 army headquarters;
军操 military drill;
军车 military vehicle;
军大衣 frock;
军刀 soldier's sword;saber;sabre;
军地两用人才 people competent for both military and civilian services;
军队 armed forces;army;troops;host;
军队建设 army buildup;army construction;
军队指挥自动化 automation of military command;
军阀 warlord;
军法 military criminal code;military law;
军法从事 deal with sb. by military rules;be courtmartialed;be dealt with by military law;punish by military law;
军方 the military;
军费 military expenditure;
军分区 military subarea;military sub-command;
军风纪 soldier's bearing and discipline;
军服 military uniform;uniform;regimentals monkey suit;toggery;
军港 military harbour;fortified port;naval port;
军工 war industry;military project; 军工厂 ordnance factory;
军功 military exploit;
军官 officer;
军管 military control;
军国大事 affairs of national defense and administration;
军国主义 militarism;
军号 bugle;
军徽 army emblem;
军火 munitions;arms and ammunition;ordnance material;
军机 military plan;military secret;
军籍 military status;one's name on the army roll;
军纪 military discipline;
军舰 warship;naval vessel;warcraft;
军界 military circles;the military;
军垦 reclamation of wasteland by an army unit;
军礼 military salute;
军粮 army provisions;grain for the army;
军烈属 families of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen;
军龄 length of military service;
军令 military orders;
军令如山 Military orders are like a mountain.;Military orders cannot be disobeyed [revoked].;军律严明 Military laws are peremptory.;
军马 army horse;war-horse;[古] destrier;
军帽 army cap;service cap;cap;shako;
军民 the army and the people;soldiers and civilians;military and civilian;
军民共建 joint construction between the army and the people;joint effort of the army and the people;
军民共建精神文明 build advanced units through the joint efforts of the army and the people; 军民联欢 an army-civilian get-toghther;Civilians and armymen had a merry get-together.;
军民一致 with army and people united;
军民一家 The Army and the people are one family.;The army and the people — one family.;Soldiers and people are one family.;
军民一心 The soldiers and civilians are of one heart.;
军旗 army flag;colors;ensign;
军情 military situation;war situation;
军区 military region;(military) area command;
军人 soldier;serviceman;armyman;
军人价值观 armymen's value;
军人情感 armyman feeling;
军人心理素质 serviceman's mental quality;armyman's mental quality;
军人性格 soldiers character;
军人自我意识 soldiers self-consciousness;
军容 soldier's discipline;appearance and bearing;
军师 military counsellor;army adviser;
军事辩证法 military dialectics;
军事法 Military Law;
军事法庭 military court of justice;
军士 noncommissioned office (NCO);
军事 military affairs;
军事化 militarize;place on a war footing;
军事素质 military qualities;fighting capability;
军属 soldier's dependants;armyman's family;
军团 army group;
军委 [简] the Central Military Commission;the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China;
军务 military affairs;military task;
军衔 military rank;
军饷 soldier's pay and provisions;
军校 military school;military academy;
军鞋 military footwear;
军械 ordnance;armament;
军心 soldier's morale;morale of the troops;
军心动摇 The morale of the troops begins to slump.;The morale of the army is shaken.;
军心皇皇 The army was depressed and downhearted.;
军心震慑 The soldiers were much depressed.;
军需 military supplies;[旧] quartermaster; 军宣队 [简] Mao Zedong Thought propaganda team of the People's Liberation Army;PLA propaganda team;
军训 military training;
军医 surgeon;medical officer;military surgeon;
军营 military camp;barracks;
军用 for military use;military;
军用卫星 military satellite;
军邮 army postal service;army post;army mail;
军援 military aid;
军乐 military music;martial music;
军长 army commander;
军政 military-political;army and government; 军政府 military government;junta;
军职 official post in the army;military appointment;
军中无戏言 Joking is not allowed in the army.;There is no jesting in war.;
军种 services (army,navy,air force,etc.)






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