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单词 imagine
imagine/ ɪ′mædʒ ɪn/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)想象,设想(form a picture of sth in one's mind)[T+nT+thatT+whT+ingC+n+adjC+n+asC+n+to-inf]:~a blue horse with a yellow mane/a white house with a beautiful garden/life on the moon/dangers that don't exist/sb's astonishment 想象一匹黄鬃蓝马/一所有漂亮花园的白色房子/月球上的生物/并不存在的危险/某人的惊愕;We can hardly~life without gas and electricity. 我们难以想象没有煤气和电的生活情形。~that one is in a spaceship/one is living in the fifteenth century/one is sitting on a cloud 想象自己在宇宙飞船里/生活在15世纪/坐在云端;can't~what has happened/how sb feels/why people speak against sb 想象不出发生了什么事/某人感觉如何/人们为什么说某人的坏话;You can't~how I missed her. 你想象不出我多么思念她。~being on the moon/sb's being so stupid/him sitting on a cloud 想象在月球上/某人如此愚蠢/他坐在云端;Can you~standing up there and giving a speech? 你能想象站在那儿演讲吗?~(oneself) sb (to be) rich/famous/frail 想象(自己)某人富有/出名/身体虚弱;She had never~d anything so luxurious. 她以前从来没有想象过如此豪华的景象。~sb as a big tall man/as being older 想象某人是个身材高大的人/的年龄要更大些;I~yourself (to be) in his place. 设身处地为他想一想。

(2)料(设)想,想到(think of sth as possible)[T+thatT+whT+ing]:She couldn't ~what would happen after that. 她料想不到以后会发生什么。Can you~me/my becoming a teacher? 你能想到我会当教师吗?

(3)猜(设)想,认为(suppose;guess;assume)[T+that]:I~(that) he will be late/you are tired from the journey. 我想他会迟到/你旅途会劳累。Do you~they will help? 你认为他们会帮忙吗? She~d that there was a smell of burning in the room. 她觉得屋里有股焦糊味。

just imagine (it)(用于感叹句)想不到,竟然:Just~that he has the effrontery to say it! 想不到他竟然厚颜无耻地说这话!

→i′maginable adj 可以想象的;i′maginary adj 想象出来的,虚构的;i′maginative adj 有想象力的;imagi′nation n





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