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❶ (内部; 里头; 里边) inner; inside; within: 国 ~ 市场 domestic [home] market; 房子 ~ 外都很干净。 The house is clean inside and out. 我们必须在三日 ~ 回到大连。 We must return to Dalian within three days.
❷ (妻子或妻子的亲属) one's wife or her relatives: ~ 人 my (humble) wife; ~ 兄 wife's elder brother; brother-in-law
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 洁 Nei Jie
◆内白 {剧} words spoken by an actor from offstage; 内半径 inside radius; 内包装 inner package; interior package; 内宾 female guests; 内部 interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal; 内部传播 internal communication; 内部审计 internal audit; 内层{工} inlayer; subcoat; endothecium; core; 内场 {棒、垒球} infield; diamond; 内出血 entorrhagia; internal haemorrhage; 内存(储器) internal storage; internal memory; built-in storage; 内存(全部)打印 dump; 内地 inland; interior; hinterland; 内弟 wife's younger brother; brother-in-law; 内定 decided at the higher level but not officially announced; cut and dried; 内耳 {生理} inner ear; auris internal; internal ear; 内耳道 internal auditory meatus; internal acoustic meatus; 内分泌 {生理} incretion; endocrine; internal secretion; 内锋 {足球} inside forward; 内服 {医} to be taken orally; for oral administration; 内阁 cabinet; 内功 exercises to benefit the internal organs; the art of building up one's strength through breathing and other exercises of the internal organs; 内海 continental sea; enclosed sea; inland sea; 内涵 {逻} intension; connotation; 内行 expert; adept; specialist; proficient; expert in; professionals; one who knows how; people who know the ropes; turn oneself into experts; an old hand at sth.; 内耗 internal friction; 内核 core; steinkern; root; 内河 inland river [waters; waterway]; 内讧 internal conflict; internal strife; internal dissension; 内讧四起 civil strife coming up one after another; torn by internal strife; internal conflicts rising from all around; rent by internal squabbling; 内画壶 inside-painted bottle; 内患 internal troubles; 内患外侮 (be plagued by) internal troubles and foreign aggression; 内婚制 endogamy; 内婚种群 {生态} deme; 内奸 a secret enemy agent within one's ranks; hidden traitor;
内角 {数} interior angle; inner angle; 内经 Nei ̄ jing; the Internal Canon of Medicine; 内景 indoor setting; indoor scene; interior; 内径 bore size; bore; inradium; internal diameter; inside diameter (ID); inradius; 内疚 compunction; guilty conscience; prickings of conscience; self-reproach; 内眷 female members of a family; 内科 {医} internal medicine; department of medicine; 内裤 briefs; knickers; 内窥镜 {医} endoscope; 内力 {力} internal force; endogenous force; 内流湖 inland lake; 内陆 inland; interior; landlocked; 内陆开放城市 opened inland cities; 内陆省份 inland provinces; 内乱 civil strife; internal disorder; 内蒙古 Nei Monggol; Inner Mongolia; 内蒙古自治区 the Nei Monggol [Inner Mongolia] Autonomous Region; 内摩擦 viscosity; internal friction; 内幕 what goes on behind the scenes; inside story; 内皮 bast; endothelium; esoderma; 内亲 a relative on one's wife's side; in-law; 内勤 internal or office work; office staff; 内情 inside information [story]; 内燃发动机 explosive motor; 内燃机 {机} internal-combustion engine; combustion engine; combustion motor; explosion engine; 内热 internal thermal; 内人 [旧] my (humble) wife; 内容 content; substance; 内伤 {医} internal injury; {中医} disorder of internal organs caused by improper diet, fatigue, emotional strains, sexual excess, etc.; 内室 spence; inner chamber; 内外 inside and outside; domestic and foreign; around; about; 内外夹攻 a crossfire; a simultaneous attack from within and without; attack from both inside and outside; be attacked from inside and outside; both from within and from without; 内外交困 be beset with troubles internally and externally; be beset with difficulties [troubles] at home and abroad; be beset with [plagued by] difficulties both inside and outside of the country; be beset with internal and external troubles; be in dire straits at home and abroad; be in trouble at home and abroad; internal and external difficulties; nonplussed both at home and abroad; on the horns of a dilemma in internal and external affairs; 内务 internal affairs; daily routine of sanitation tasks; 内陷 invaginate; invagination; embolus; 内线 planted agent; {军} interior lines; 内详 name and address of sender enclosed; 内项 mean terms; inner term; 内向 {心} introversion; 内销 sold inside the country; for the domestic market; sell on the home market; sell on domestic market; 内斜视 {医} esotropia; cross-eye; rhinoptia; 内心 inward; heart; innermost being; {数} incentre; inner centre; 内心独白 {剧} internal monologue; soliloquy; 内心深处 in the depth of one's heart; in one's heart of hearts; at the bottom of one's heart; in the privacy of one's thoughts; 内心有愧 have a guilty conscience; 内兄 wife's elder brother; brother-in-law; 内秀 be intelligent without seeming so; 内焰 {化} inner flame; 内衣 underwaist; underclothes; shirt; skivvy; scivvy; underdress; underpinning; undergarment; under ̄ linen; underwear; 内衣裤 underclothes; 内因 endopathic; internal cause; the immanent cause; 内应变 internal strain; 内应力 {力} internal stress; residual stress; locked-up stress; 内忧外患 internal and external troubles; anxiety arising from within and trouble coming from wihtout; domestic trouble and foreign invasion; internal disturbance and foreign aggression; internal revolt and foreign invasion; 内在 inherent; intrinsic; inward; inherence; 内在性 internality; immanence; inherence; interiorness; 内脏 viscus (pl. viscera); splanchna; gut; chawdron; bowel; numbles; inside; tripe; internal; internal organs of the body; 内宅 [旧] inner chambers for womenfolk (in a rich man's residence); 内债 internal [domestic] debt; 内战 civil war; 内争 internal strife; 内政 internal [domestic; home] affairs; 内政外交 domestic [home] and foreign affairs; internal affairs and foreign relations; 内侄 son of wife's brother; nephew; 内侄女 daughter of wife's brother; niece; 内痔 {医} internal piles; internal hemorrhoid; 内助 [书] wife; 内子 [书] my wife; 内阻 internal resistance; interface layer resistance; inherent resistance


internal; interior; inner





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