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单词 养尊处优

养尊处优yǎng zūn chǔ yōu

be in a bed of down(/roses/flowers); be on the cushions; enjoy high position and live in ease and comfort; lead a comfortable life; live in clover (/luxury/style); live like a prince (/lord); live like pigs in clover
❍ 居然“~”的,养得他又白又胖起来。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》452) Placed in such comfortablel iving conditions,Alai became not only fatter,but fairer than before./……而那些吸别人血汗过活的人,脚不动,手不抬,天天~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》34) …so that parasites could lead a comfortable life without so much as stirring a finger.
❍ 对于当时明王朝所面临的空前危机,皇亲和勋旧这一个只讲究~的阶层感受最浅,而在朝臣中却有很多人比较清楚,有些人深为国事担忧。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—773) The parasitic imperial relatives and nobles who lived in luxury cared little for the present difficulties,while the government officials had clearer idea of the realities of the situation and were deeply concerned.
❍ 但是,应当指出,有大量的好同志却被那些高官厚禄、~、骄傲自满、固步自封、爱好资产阶级形而上学的同志们,亦即官僚主义者,所压住了,现在必须加以改革。(毛泽东《加强相互学习,克服固步自封、骄傲自满》) Nevertheless it must be pointed out that large numbers of fine comrades are frustrated by those comrades who are highly placed with fat emoluments and live in style,who are conceited and complacent and are only too glad to stick to the beaten track,and who are addicted to bourgeois metaphysics; in other words,these fine comrades are frustrated by the bureaucrats. This situation must be changed right now.


enjoy a high position and a life of ease and comfort;revel in a high position and indulge in comfort;live in clover

养尊处优yǎnɡ zūn chǔ yōu

养:生活。处于尊贵的地位,过着优越的生活。do oneself proud, live in clover, live like a lord, do oneself well, live like pigs in clover, play the wanton





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