concrete;specific;particular; exact
只有~的自由、~的民主。Freedom and democracy exist (not in the abstract,but)only in the concrete./马列主义的普遍真理同中国革命的~实践相结合integration of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution/对于~情况作~的分析make a concrete analysis of concrete conditions/~的民主democracy in the concrete/~的自由freedom in the concrete/解决~问题solve specific problems;deal with nuts and bolts/根据这一~情况in this particular case/~的(事实上)in concreto[拉](in substance)/~充分保障的裁军adequately safeguarded disarmament/~情况specific circumstances/~政策specific policies/描写得很~describe in great detail