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单词 兵马未动,粮草先行

兵马未动,粮草先行bīng mǎ wèi dòng,liáng cǎo xiān xíng

food and fodder should go before troops and horses—proper preparations should be made before hand; prepare grain and fodder before one move soldiers and horses
❍ 自古以来打仗都是: “~。” (杜鹏程《保卫延安》189) We know the saying from ancient days,‘Prepare your grain and fodder before you mcve your soldiers and horses. ’

兵马未动,粮草先行bing ma wei dong,liang cao xian xing

food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses—proper preparations should be made ahead of time


food and fodder should be ready before the arrival of troops and horses

兵马未动,粮草先行bīnɡ mǎ wèi dònɡ,liánɡ cǎo xiān xínɡ

比喻某事在未开始前,就将相应的准备工作做好。food and fodder should go before troops and horses, proper preparations should be made in advances





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