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单词 兵贵神速

兵贵神速bīng guì shén sù

celerity is the soul of warfare; lightning speed is the essence of the art of warfare; promptitude is what the soldier honours;speed is most valuable in military affairs; speed is precious (/what counts/the important matter) in war; speed is the soldier’s asset; swift movement is the best tactic; the success of an expeditiou depends upon celerity
❍ 其实,用兵贵乎神速,这是军事常识。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》434) Lightning speed is the essence of the art of warfare—that is common military knowledge.
❍ 绍怒曰:“皆是汝等迟缓军心,迁延日月,有妨大事! 岂不闻 ‘~’乎?”(《三国演义》227) Yuan Shao said,“That is always the way with you fellows,always delaying and taking the dash out of the soldiers. You put off today and postpone tomorrow till success has become impossible. Do you forget that promptitude is what the soldier honours?”/艾大怒曰:“~,汝敢乱我军心耶?” (《三国演义》1008) Deng Ai angrily replied,“Speed is the important matter in war: do not encourage any discontent. I will not have it.”/许大马棒脑眉一皱,白眼珠一翻道:“~,明天起身。”(曲波 《林海雪原》103) Horse Cudgel frowned and rolled his eyes up thoughtfully. “Swift movement is the best tactic. We start tomorrow.”/~。今千里袭人,辎重多而难以趋利,不如轻兵兼道以出,掩其不备。(《三国演义》294) The success of an expedition of this kind depends upon celerity. To strike a sudden blow on a distant spot with a heavy baggage train is difficult.To ensure success the need is light troops and a good road to strike quickly before an enemy has time to prepare.
❍ 程昱曰: “丞相既知兵法,岂不知~乎?” (《三国演义》530)“O Minister,”said Cheng,“you who know so thoroughly the art of war,have you forgotten the maxim to strike quickly?”


speed is most valuable in military affairs(/the soldier's asset)


speed is vital in war;it’s speed that counts in war

兵贵神速bīnɡ ɡuì shén sù

用兵重在行动特别迅速。speed is precious in war, speed is the soldier’s asset, swift movement is the best tactic





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