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单词 兵来将挡,水来土掩

兵来将挡,水来土掩bīng lái jiàng dǎng,shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn

if troops come,we’ll fight back,if water comes,we’ll dam it; when the water rises we use earth to keep it back,when the soldiers arrive we use a general to keep them off;confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth —take such measures as the situation calls for/“不要怕! 不要怕!兵来了将挡,水来了土屯。……”(梁斌《红旗谱》312)“Don’t be afraid!If troops come,we’ll fight back!If water comes,we’ll dam it!…/吴用笑道: “不须兄长挂心,吴某自有措置。自古道:“水来土掩,兵到将迎’,……”(《水浒全传》230) Wu Yong laughed and said,“Do not get anxious! I have a plan. There is an ancient saying,‘When the water rises we use earth to keep it back;when the soldiers arrive we use a general to keep them off.’”

兵来将挡,水来土掩bing lai jiang dang,shui lai tu yan

confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth—take proper measure as the situation calls for


stop an advancing army with troops and on-rushing water with earth—counter measure for measure;counter move for move

兵来将挡,水来土掩bīnɡ lái jiànɡ dǎnɡ, shuǐ lǎi tǔ yǎn

掩:遮盖。比喻根据具体情况,具体对待。make a concrete analysis of concrete conditions, take such measures as the situation calls for





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