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单词 兴风作浪

兴风作浪兴波作浪xīng fēng zuò làng

raisewind sand make waves-stir up (/make/cause/incite/forment) trouble; fan the flames of disorder;kick up a row (/rampus/the devil’s delight); create nuisance (/disturbance); instigate incident
❍ 我们的老乡公输般,他总是倚恃着自己的一点小聪明,~的。(鲁迅《故事新编·非攻》106) Our fellow countryman Gongshu Ban keeps trying to use that knack he has to make trouble.
❍ 他无端~,要打官司,想好处,我们就同他打; 我们理直气壮,难道让他欺侮不成! (叶圣陶《倪焕之》 164) If he wants to stir up trouble without cause and take us to court in the hope of making something out of us,then we’ll fight; we have justice on our side,so there’s no fear of his getting the better of us!”


stir up (or make)trouble;fan the flames of disorder

兴风作浪xīnɡ fēnɡ zuò lànɡ

兴:起。原指神话小说中妖魔鬼怪施展法术掀起风浪。现多比喻无事生非,制造事端。make trouble, break hell loose, kick up a row, make waves, become active and cause trouble





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更新时间:2024/11/15 14:49:31