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❶ (兴盛; 流行) prosper; rise; prevail; become popular: ~ 衰 rise and decline; ups and downs; 现在正 ~ 这个呢! That's all the vogue now. 新社会不 ~ 这一套了。 We don't go in for that sort of thing in the new society.
❷ (使盛行) encourage; promote: 大 ~ 调查研究之风 energetically encourage the practice of investigation and study
❸ (开始; 发动; 兴办) start; begin: ~ 干戈 start war; ~ 工 start construction
❹ [书] (起; 起来) get up; rise: 晨 ~ get up in the morning; 夙 ~ 夜寐 rise early and retire late; work hard
❺ [方] (准许, 多用于否定) permit; allow: 不 ~ 胡说! None of your nonsense! 不 ~ 说谎。 You mustn't tell lies. 不 ~ 这样做。 That's not allowed. Ⅱ [方] (或许) maybe; perhaps: 明天他也 ~ 来, 也 ~ 不来。He may or may not come tomorrow. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 渠 Xing Qu
另见 see also xìnɡ。
◆兴办 initiate; set up;
兴兵 start war; send an army; 兴兵动武 start hostilities; 兴波作浪 stir up troubles; 兴废存亡 re-establish [restore] what has been abolished; 兴奋 exciting; be excited; sweep off one's foot; hectic; {生理} excitation; excitement; analepsia; analepsis; stimulation; elated; 兴奋剂 analeptic; tonic; agonist; up; upper; excitant; stimulant; [喻] a shot in the arm; dope; 兴奋剂检测中心 analeptic inspection center; 兴奋若狂 be crazy with excitement; 兴风作浪 raise winds and waves — make trouble; set winds blowing and wave rolling; foment trouble as spreading disaffection, inciting people to rebellion; incite trouble and create confusion; stir up trouble [disorder]; rise and swell the adverse current; incite and create trouble; fan the flames of disorder; create a nuisance; instigate incidents and make trouble; 兴革 [书] initiation (of the new) and abolition (of the old); reforms; 兴工 start construction; 兴国安邦 make the country prosperous and stable; rejuvenate and stablize a country; 兴家立业 make one's family prosper and establish a competency; build up a family and embark upon a career; 兴建 build; construct; 兴居纳福 May you keep in good health and be prosperous!; 兴利除弊 promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful; start the good practices and weed out the corrupt ones; start reforms; clean up the administration; initiate the useful and do away with the harmful; make a profit and get rid of past abuses; make a profit and end abuses; 兴利除害 bring good to ... and remove all evil; 兴利库容 utilizable capacity; 兴隆 prosperous; thriving; flourishing; brisk; 兴灭继绝 revive the extinguished states and restore families whose lines of succession had been cut off — rise from the ashes; restore a fallen state [dynasty]; 兴灭举废 revive [restore] what has been abolished; 兴起 rise; spring up; grow up; be on the upgrade; 兴盛 prosperous; flourishing; thriving; up in the ascendant; 兴师 [书] send an army; dispatch troops; 兴师动众 initiate the dispatch of contingents of armed men and the mobilization of the masses; arouse too many people to do (some relatively small work); draw in a lot of people (to do sth.); have too many people do sth.; move troops about and stir up the people — drag in many people to do sth.; mobilize (the) forces; raise a big rumpus; 兴师讨伐 mobilize and send troops to suppress; mobilize the armed forces and send a punitive expedition against; mobilize troops and punish; 兴师[兵]问罪 make [send] a punitive expedition against; denounce sb. publicly for his crimes [serious errors]; go [come] with an army to punish sb. for...; 兴衰 rise and decline; vicissitude; 兴亡 rise and fall; 兴旺 prosperous; flourishing; thriving; roaring; palmy; boom; 兴旺发达 flourish; flourish and grow; 兴文匽武 promote culture and economy and desist from war; 兴无灭资 promote what is proletarian and liquidate what is bourgeois; foster proletarian ideology and eliminate bourgeoisideology; 兴修 start construction (on a large project); build; 兴许 [方] perhaps; maybe; 兴妖作怪 encourage monsters to stalk abroad, making trouble, causing disorder; give countenance to evil elements in their activities; conjure up a host of demons to make trouble; stir up trouble; play [raise] the devil; 兴业银行 Société Générale [法国]; 兴云生雾 generate clouds and evolve mist


(兴致; 兴趣) mood or desire to do sth.; interest; excitement: 尽 ~ enjoy oneself to the full; 酒 ~ excitement due to drinking; 诗 ~ an exalted, poetic mood; 雅 ~ aesthetic mood; 游 ~ the mood for sight-seeing
另见 see also xīnɡ。
◆兴冲冲 (do sth.) with joy and expedition; excitedly; 兴高采烈 be jubilant; be in buoyant spirits; be in good [high] spirits; elated; feel one's oats; full of spirits and elated; go into raptures (with glee); in great delight; in high [fine] feather; merry; on top of the world;paint the town red; with bells on; with great gusto; 兴会 a sudden flash of inspiration; brain wave; 兴尽悲来 A feeling of sadness follows a bout of pleasure.; When feeling of pleasure is finished, feeling of sadness begins.; After pleasure comes sadness.; 兴趣 interest; taste; 兴趣外向 alloplasty; alloplastia; 兴趣相投 have similar tastes and interests; find each other congenial; 兴头儿上 at the height of one's enthusiasm; 兴头 enthusiasm; keen interest; 兴味 interest; 兴味盎然 with genuine interest; 兴味索然 have lost all interest in sth.; altogether too dull; be bored stiff; be dull and boring; bored stiff; dry as dust; extremely uninteresting; not to show a spark of interest (in ...); uninterested;
兴味相投 have similar tastes and interests; 兴之所至 when the fit is on sb. (for sth.) ...; when one is in high spirits ...; 兴致 interest; mood to enjoy; 兴致勃勃 be in the best of spirits; animatedly; be in high [good] spirits; be of good cheer; cheerful and energetic; enthusiastically; full of zest; in high feather; one's spirits soaring; play a game with gusto; tail up; watch sth. going on with lively interest; with gusto





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