关系到concern; be crucial to; bear on; has bearing on 处理好这些问题,~各国和各国人民的利益,~人类社会发展的前途。Proper handling of these issues concerns the interests of all countries and peoples and the future of human society./全球能源安全~各国的经济命脉和民生大计。Global energy security is crucial to ensuring the economic growth and people’s livelihood of all countries./世贸组织多哈谈判能否成功~国际贸易发展的前景,也~到世界各国人民的切身利益。The success of the WTO Doha round bears on the future of international trade as well as the immediate interests of the peoples all over the world./~两国的共同利益at stake is the common interests of the two countries |