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单词 identify
identify/aɪ′dentɪfaɪ/ vt [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]

(1)鉴别出,认出,确认,验明(claimproverecognize or establish as being a particular person or thing)[T+nC+n+as]:~the signature/the criminal 确认签名/罪犯;She~ied the man who attacked her. 她认出了袭击她的那个人。The report does clearly~the fact that there is racial inequality. 这个报告明确地认定种族不平等的存在。His hoarse voice quickly~ied him. 一听那沙哑的嗓音就知道是他。be not clearly~ied yet 尚未作出明确的鉴定;I can~that watch as mine by the scratches on the back. 我能从手表背面的划痕认出那是我的手表。 〖同〗recognize,verify;〖反〗mistake,confuse;

(2)把……和……等同起来(regard as being the same)[T+n+prep(with)]:~beauty with goodness 把美貌和美德等同起来;~other's interests/happiness with one's own 把别人的利益/幸福看作自己的利益/幸福; Wealth/Opinions cannot be~ied with happiness/facts. 财富并不等于幸福/看法并不等于事实。〖同〗associate;

identify oneself with sb/sth:1)支持:He refused to~himself with such a policy/the new political party. 他拒绝支持这项政策/这个新政党。2)与……有密切的联系:He had always been closely~ied with the Liberal Party. 他一向与自由党有密切的联系。 3)参加:He preferred not to~himself with that group/movement.他不想参加那个团体/那场运动。

identify with sb认同;与……有同感(共鸣);以……为榜样:She~ied with the heroine of the novel. 她和小说中的女主人公有认同感。Youngsters like to~with the characters in films. 小孩子喜欢以电影中的人物为榜样。

→i͵dentifi′cation n 验明,认出;身份的证明;i′dentity n 同一(性);身份;i′dentity card n 身份证





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