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单词 idea
idea/aɪ′dɪ ǝ, AmE ′di:ə/ n

(1)想法,主意,思想(sth one thinksknows or imagines;thought)[C]:a good/bad/splendid~一个好/不好/极好的主意;a clever/fresh/novel/logical/stupid/strange/daring~聪明/新鲜/新奇/合乎逻辑/荒唐/奇怪/大胆的想法;an ingenious/absurd~ 巧妙/荒唐的想法; a man of~s 很会出主意的人;be full of~s 主意很多;hit upon/think up an~ 突然想起/想出一个主意 entertain/form an~怀有/产生一个想法;give up the~of ... 放弃……念头;communicate~s 交流思想;Language is used to convey~s. 语言是用来表达思想的。A bright~came to him. 他想出了一个好主意。An~flashed through his mind. 他脑子里闪过一个念头。Such an~never occurred to/struck me. 我从来没有这种想法。The~of his arrival frightened me. 想到他要来我感到惊恐不安。

(2)意见,观点;信念(opinion or belief)[C]:exchange~s with sb on education 就教育问题与某人交换意见;set forth/explain one's~提出/阐明自己的观点;favour/support/oppose this~赞成/支持/反对这种观点;force one's~s on others 强迫别人接受自己的观念(点);My~of happiness is not the same as yours. 我对幸福的看法与你的不同。What's your~of a good book? 你认为什么样的书是好书? 〖同〗view;

(3)计划,打算(plan;intention)[C]:carry out/implement/realize one's~执行/实现/实现自己的计划;work out the~successfully 成功地拟定出这个计划;completely upset sb's~s of ... 彻底打乱某人的……计划;Have you any~s for the future? 你对未来有什么打算吗? I have an~for a new book. 我打算写本新书。

(4)目的(标)(purpose or aim)[Cthe~]:They bought the house with the~of letting it. 他们买了房子,打算把它租出去。The~of the game is to strengthen the muscles in the leg. 这项运动的目的是强健腿部的肌肉。

(5)意思(义)(meaning or significance)[Uthe~]:the general/main~大意/中心思想;an approximate~大致的意思;grasp the~of 领会……的意思;The~behind this is... 其中的含义是……

(6)概念,了解(mental conception;knowledge)[CU]:the~of the fourth dimension 第四维(时间)概念;abstract/basic~s 抽象/基本概念;I have only a very remote~of what he means. 对他讲的意思我只有一点很模糊的概念。give sb an accurate/adequate~of ... 使某人准确/充分了解……;give sb some/a good~of ... 使某人大致/清楚地了解……; She didn't have the faintest/slightest~of what I meant. 她一点儿也不明白我的意思。He has a general~of the cost of the repair job. 他对修理费用有个大概的了解。He had an~that he had met this girl somewhere before. 他觉得以前在什么地方见过这个女孩。 Have you any~of the time? 你知道现在的时间吗? 〖同〗concept,understanding;

buck one's ideas up更加警惕,采取更认真负责的态度(infml):If John hopes to keep his job,he'll have to buck his~s up a bit. 约翰要想保住工作,就得更加机警着点儿。

give sb ideas 使某人抱不切实际的空想或希望:Don't give the girl~s, you know how difficult it is to get into films. 别让这女孩抱幻想,你知道跻身电影界是多么困难。

have no idea 不知道(了解);无能力:I had no~what to say to her. 我不知道对她说什么。She had no~at all as to what she ought to do. 她一点也不知道自己该做什么。

toy with/play the idea 有点想,不太认真地考虑:He is still toying with/playing the~of emigrating to Canada. 他仍然有点想移居加拿大。

put ideas in(to)sb's head 使某人存有奢望:You know you can't afford a car — who's putting~s into your head? 你知道你买不起汽车——谁使你有这种奢望的?

run away with the idea that ...(常用于否定祈使句)受错误意见引导或接受错误概念(infml):Don't run away with the~that learning a foreign language is going to be easy. 不要错误地认为学外语是容易的。





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