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单词 hurry
hurry/′hʌri, AmE ′hɜ:-/ v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]; n

v (1)1)赶紧,匆忙(be quick in action or movementsometimes too quick)[II+prepI+adv]:Don't~.别忙。You'd better~.你最好快点。There's no need to~.没必要匆匆忙忙。~to the scene/down the road赶紧去现场/沿街走下去;~forward to meet sb/off along the platform/away in the opposite direction赶紧上前迎接某人/顺着站台匆匆离去/匆匆向相反的方向走去;~home/in匆匆回家/进去;H~along!快点!〖同〗hasten; 2)使赶紧,催促(cause to act or move quicklyoften too quickly)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~the cook/a lazy horse催促厨师/催赶一匹懒马;~a sick man to the doctor/into hospital催病人去看大夫/去医院;~the children along让孩子们快点;〖同〗press,rush;

(2)加快……的进程(hasten the process of sth)[T+nT+n+adv(along/up)]:~one's work/meal/decisions加快工作进程/匆匆吃饭/仓促作决定;~supplies to famine areas 加快向饥荒地区运送供给品;

hurry up(v adv) 1)赶紧(vi)(infml):H~up!快点!~up to one's husband/with those letters 匆匆走到丈夫跟前/赶紧写那些信; 2)使加快速度(vt):~sb/the process/a job up催促某人/加快进程/加快完成一件工作;

→′hurried adj 仓促完成的;′hurriedly adv匆匆忙忙地;

n 匆忙,仓促(movement or activity that is quicker than is usual or necessary;eager haste)[U]:in one's~to leave/finish the work/catch the train 急着要走/完成这件工作/去赶火车;Is there any~for/over/about the job? 这件工作有必要着急吗?There's no~没有必要匆忙。What's(all) the~for? 何必这样匆忙?Why all the~?为什么这样匆忙?〖同〗rush,haste;

in a hurry 1)急(匆)忙地:leave in a~匆忙地离去;in the middle of all this~仓促之中; 2)急切地,不耐烦地:be in a~to leave/see the new house急着要离开/看新房子;come down to breakfast in a~急切地下楼吃早饭; 3)情愿地;轻易地(infml)(通常与neg连用):I won't forget that in a~.我不会轻易忘了那件事的。

in no hurry/not in any hurry 1)不急(忙)于:be in no~/not in any~to go/agree to the terms不急于走/同意那些条款; 2)不愿意:be in no~to go out/to help sb again不愿意出去/再帮助某人;

【辨异】hurryrushspeed暗示动作迅速。rush表示仓促,有时是通过激烈的动作走过某段距离。例如:to rush to the store(匆匆赶到商店);hurry表示一种极度紧张或焦虑感,在一定的时间到达一个确切的地方,如:to hurry to an appointment(急切地赴约);speed则表示快速行走,通常是动作平稳地通过某种交通工具前往,如:to speed to a nearby city((坐车)赶快到一个附近的城市去)。





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