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单词 hunt
hunt/hʌnt/ v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]; n

v (1)追(狩)猎(chase (animals and birds) in order to catch or kill either for food or for sport)[IT+n]:go (out)~ing 去打猎;(hyenas/wolves)~at night/in packs(鬣狗/狼)在夜晚/成群猎食;~deer/wild animals 狩猎鹿/野物;

(2)搜寻,寻找(search for;try to find)[II+prep (for),I+advT+n]:~everywhere/through all the drawers到处/在所有的抽屉里寻找;~for a lost key/for buried treasure寻找丢失的钥匙/埋藏的财富;~for a job/work寻找一份工作;~a submarine 搜寻一潜水艇;~an escaped criminal 搜寻在逃犯;job-/house-~ing 寻找工作/住房;

(3)驱赶(逐),追击(逐)(pursue or drive sb out;chase sth away)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~a cat out of the garden/a bird off the seeds/a murderer from town to town把猫赶出花园/驱鸟不让其吃种子/从一个城市到另一个城市追捕杀人犯;

(4) 1)猎狐(chase foxes with dogs through or in a district)[T+n](BrE):~the country/the parkland在乡下/草木区猎狐;~with the local foxhunter 与当地的猎狐人一起狩猎; 2)用(马或狗)狩猎(use (one's horse or hounds) for fox-hunting)[T+n]:~one's horse/a pack of hounds用马/一群猎狗狩猎;

hunt down(v adv)穷追……直至捕获;搜寻……直至发现(vt):~down a dangerous criminal/a burglar/a traitor 追捕一名危险的罪犯/窃贼/叛徒;~down an escaped prisoner 追捕逃犯;~down a written manuscript/every piece of evidence 搜寻手稿/每件证据;

hunt out(v adv)搜寻出(vt):~out the children's old clothes/an old diary找出孩子们的旧衣服/一本旧日记;

hunt up (v adv) 搜寻,寻找(vt):~up a word in the dictionary/the references in the library 在字典中查找一个字/在图书馆里寻找参考资料;

n (1)打猎(act of hunting)[C](常用于构成合成词):a (an) zebra-/fox-/tiger/bear-/elephant~猎斑马/狐/虎/熊/象;organize two big daylight~s 组织两次很大规模的白天狩猎;be ready for~准备好打猎;

(2)寻找,搜寻(careful search for sb/sth that is missing)[C,通常sing]:conduct/start/continue a~for culprit (further clues) 进行/开始/继续搜寻罪犯(进一步的线索);be on the~for an animal追猎动物;find sth after a long~找了很长时间才找到某物;

→′hunter n猎人;狩猎用的马;猎人用表;′hunting n狩猎,猎狐;′hunting-ground n猎场;′huntress n女猎人;

【说明】BrE中,go hunting指骑在马上带猎犬追杀狐狸的运动。这种狩猎的骑手叫作huntsmen,这种活动叫hunt;而hunter指追猎大型动物,如狮子、大象等的人;shooting(射猎)则指猎鸟、鹿和其他动物的运动。在AmE中,则不同,hunting指射猎马或鹿等动物的运动,从事此活动的人称hunter。





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