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单词 兔起鹘落

兔起鹘落tù qǐ hú luò

the moment a hare is flushed out,the falcon swoops down—quick flow of a writer’s thought and imagination; the ready pen of a writer (/painter,etc.); of an action rapid (/swift)
❍ 那位老作家文思敏捷,如~。The old writer has a ready pen to follow his quick thinking just as the falcon swoops down the moment a hare is flushed out.

兔起鹘落tu qi hu luo

the moment a hare is flushed out,the falcon swoops down—be agile

兔起鹘落tù qǐ hú luò

鹘:指打猎用的一种猛禽。兔子刚起来,鹘就猛扑过去。比喻动作敏捷。也比喻写作、绘画等才思敏捷。quick flow of writer’s thoughts and imagination, thd ready pen of writer





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