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单词 兔丝燕麦

兔丝燕麦tù sī yàn mài

ceremonial; exist in name only; figurehead; in name but not in reality; merely nominal; symbolic;titular
❍ 他们高唱援助,但那种援助只是~而已。They talk big about their aid,which is, however, merely symbolic.
❍ 今国子虽有学官之名,而无教授之实,何异~,南箕北斗哉! (《魏书·李崇传》)At present,the Imperial College is nominally an official body of education,but,in fact,it is not engaged in teaching. It enjoys an empty name but serves no practical purpose,just like the dodder and oats,or the Winnowing-fan in the South and the Pole star in the North.

兔丝燕麦tù sī yàn mài

像兔丝那样虽有丝之名却不可以织、像燕麦那样虽有麦之名又不可以吃。比喻有名无实。figurehead, in name but in reality, ceremonial, symbolic





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