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❶ (去掉;除掉) dismiss; relieve; remove: 被 ~ 职 be dismissed from one's post; be removed from office
❷ (避免) avoid; escape; avert: ~ 受灾害 avert a calamity [disaster]; 以 ~ 人手不够 avoid being short of hands
❸ (免去) excuse sb. from sth.; exempt from; dispense with: 这些礼节就 ~ 了 dispense with the courtesy [protocol]; ~ 予刑事处分 exempt from punishment
❹ (不允许;不可;不要) not allowed: 闲人 ~ 进。 No admittance except on business. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 公 Mian Gong
◆免不了 be unavoidable; be bound to be; 免除 prevent; avoid; remit; excuse; exempt; relieve; immunize; immuni ̄ zation; 免得 so as not to; so as to avoid; 免费 free of charge; cost free; free; gratis; 免费教育 free education; 免费软件 free ware; 免费试销 free trial sale; 免费医疗 free medicine; 免冠 take one's hat off; without a hat on; bareheaded; 免开尊口 You had better shut up.; Better shut your mouth.; You'd better accept it in silence.; Keep your opinion to yourself!; 免票 free ticket; free pass; free of charge; 免赔额 deductibles; 免试 be excused from an examination; 免税 free of duty; exemption from duty; duty-free; zero rates of duty; abate ̄ ment; tax exemption; exempt from taxes [taxation]; remission of tax; tax-free; 免税货物 free goods; 免税进口 duty-free importation; 免税贸易区 tax free trade zone; 免税区 free perimeters; 免税商品 duty-free commodities; 免提式电话 hand free telephone set; 免刑 {律} exempt from punishment; 免验 exempt from customs examination; 免役 exempt from service; 免疫 {医} immunity; immunization; immune; immuno; 免疫力 immunity; 免疫疗法 immunotherapy; 免疫缺陷 immunode ̄ ficiency; 免疫学 {生} immunology; amynology; 免于起诉 exemption from prosecution; immunity from suit; 免责 relief; 免战牌 a sign used in ancient times to show refusal to fight; 免征 exemption from conscription; 免职 remove sb. from office; relieve sb. of his post; 免罪 exempt from punishment

excuse or free (sb from sth);exempt from
~所得税free of income tax /~息期grace period/~予处罚exemption from punishment/~予处分exemption from disciplinary sanction /~予起诉 exemption from prosecution/~予刑事处分be exempted from criminal penalities





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