释义 |
克敌制胜kè dí zhì shèngbeat (/vanquish/conquer) the enemy; defeat the enemy and win victory; gain a victory over the enemy ❍ 林冲道: “只今番~,便见的先生妙法。正是鼎分三足,缺一不可,先生不必推却。” (《水浒全传》229) “We have just beaten our enemies,” said Lin Chong,“but we know that it was due to your excellent plan. An incense urn has three legs and is useless without the third,so I hope that you will accept the position of the third in command.”/只有那些坚守在这块燃烧的土地上,日夜和敌人进行生死搏斗的战士,才能最清楚地了解阵地上每一个微细的变化,才能最及时地掌握敌人每一个隐蔽的动向,并且有着无穷的~的智慧和经验。(杨佩瑾《剑》7) Only those fighting on the burning land and carrying on the daily life-and-death struggle knew best the slightest change on the enemy’s side and were able to grasp every one of the enemy’s concealed actions—only they had an inexhaustible store of wisdom and experience in conquering the enemy. 克敌制胜defeat an enemy and win victory 克敌制胜kè dí zhì shènɡ克:战胜。打败对方,取得胜利。conquer the enemy, vanquish the enemy, defeat the enemy |