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单词 光辉灿烂

光辉灿烂guāng huī càn làn

brilliant; fulgent;glittering; irradiant; radiant; shining; splendid
❍ 护驾龙虎官军二万五千,分为五队,每队五千,按青、黄、赤、白、黑五色,旗幡甲马,并依本色: ~,极其雄壮。(《三国演义》614)His escort of twenty-five thousand stout warriors led by bold officers,marched in five columns of five thousand each,under banners of five colours,blue,yellow,red,white and black. The five com panies made a brave show as they marched,each column under its own flag with men in armour and horses in caparisons all of one colour and all glittering in the sun.
❍ 这歌声,气壮山河,震撼寰宇,它宣告了旧世界必然灭亡,号召我们去迎接中国革命和世界革命~的明天! (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—105) His singing expressed his magnificent spirit and the ringing message that the old world will perish; it calls on us to greet with open arms the splendid future of the Chinese revolution and the world revolution.

光辉灿烂ɡuānɡ huī càn làn

光辉:闪闪耀目的光;灿烂:鲜明耀眼的样子。比喻光芒照耀,色彩夺目。现多用以比喻事业、前程光明。shine with great splendor, brilliant, shining





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