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单词 光杆司令

光杆司令guāng gān sī lìng

ling a figure head com mander; a general without an army; a leader without a follower
❍ 象这样一个~,他深知到了国民党那里是根本吃不开的。(曲波《林海雪原》483) He knew that the Kuomintang would have no use for a figure-head commander like him.
❍ 侯殿坤、谢文东一齐伸出大拇指头,“有气魄,有胆量。”寡头专员和~乐了。(曲波《林海雪原》485)Hou and Xie stuck up their thumbs in admiration. “Bold. Courageous,”cried the empty commissioner and the soldierless commander.
❍ 特别是从一九二六年起,一批批的~和失意政客涌进了租界,我的门客更是有增无减。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》226)From 1926 onwards batch upon batch of defeated generals and failed politicans flocked to the con cessions,and the number of my proteges increased faster than ever.

光杆司令guang gan si ling

【口语】general without an army

光杆司令ɡuānɡ ɡǎn sī lìnɡ

形容只剩下自己一个人,没有任何人的帮助。a general without an army, a leader without a following, a commander without men





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