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单词 光天化日

光天化日guāng tiān huà rì

broad daylight; (in)the (bright) light of day; (in) the daytime/“我什么也没有看见!”成岗怒吼起来,“除了在~之下不敢露面的妖魔鬼怪!” (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》389) “I saw nothing,”shouted Cheng Gang,“except ghouls and ghosts who don’t dare show their faces in broad daylight!”/果然那厢有座城池,六街三市,万户千门,来来往往,人都在~之下。(《西游记》30)…on the other side there was indeed a city wall,a moat,streets,markets,ten thousand houses,a thousand gates,and people coming and going in the sunlight.
❍ 夜的降临,抹杀了一切文人学士们当~之下,写在耀眼的白纸上的超然、混然、恍然、勃然、粲然的文章,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—279) The fall of night blots out all the sublime,confused,abrupt and splendid articles written on shining white paper in the daytime by men of letters and scholars
❍ 一定得把这些滥官污吏的嘴脸摆在~之下示众;……(田汉《关汉卿》16) I’ll lay bare the hypocrisy of these vicious,corrupt officials to the blazing sun so that everybody can see.
❍ 彼残忍乖邪之气,不能荡溢于~之下,遂凝结充塞于深沟大壑之中,……(《红楼梦》20)But because there is no place under the clear sky and bright sun for the essence of cruelty and perversity,it congeals in deep caverns and in the bowels of the earth.


in broad daylight;in the light of day;in the open day
在~之下屠杀老百姓slaughter the ordinary people in broad daylight

光天化日ɡuānɡ tiān huà rì

化日:治日。比喻太平盛世的安宁年代;也指晴天白日。the light of day, broad daylight, in the face of day





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