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单词 光复旧物

光复旧物guāng fù jiù wù

recover one’s (/the)past heritage; regain possession of lost territory;recover what has been lost
❍ 即如清末的南社,便是鼓吹革命的文学团体,他们叹汉族的被压制,愤满人的凶横,渴望“~”。(鲁迅《三闲集·现今的新文学的概观》110)The members of the South Club at the end of Qing Dy nasty are an example. That literary coterie agitated for revolution,lamented the sufferings of the Hans,raged at the tyranny of the Manchus and longed for a return to the “good old days.”/我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概,有在自力更生的基础上~的决心,有自立于世界民族之林的能力。(《毛泽东选集》147)We the Chinese nation have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood,the determination to recover our lost territory by our own efforts,and the ability to stand on our own feet in the family of nations.
❍ 中国最初的排满革命,所以易得响应者,因为口号是“~”,就是“复古”,易于取得保守的人民同意的缘故。(鲁迅《二心集·习惯与改革》27) Wide support was given to the revolution to drive the Manchus out of China because its watchword “Restore the old!”—or “Back to the past!”—appealed to conservatives.
❍ 志士说保存国粹,是~的意思;大官说保存国粹,是教留学生不要去剪辫子的意思。(鲁迅《热风·随感录三十五》14) The patriot who declared that we should preserve our national characteristics meant that we should restore Han sovereignty. The great mandarin meant that students going abroad should not cut off their queues.

光复旧物ɡuānɡ fù jiù wù

光复:恢复;旧物:指曾被敌人占领的国土和财物。收回失去的国土,恢复旧有的功业。recover lost territory, recover what has been lost





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