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单词 先入之见

先入之见xiān rù zhī jiàn

a preconceived idea (/notion/impression); preconception; prejudice;prepossession
❍ 譬如我们看红楼梦,从文字上推见了林黛玉这一个人,但须排除了梅博士的“黛玉葬花”照相的~,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—35) For instance if weread The Dream of the Red Chamber and want to form a picture from the text of Lin Daiyu,we must first erase the impression made on us by the photograph of Dr Mei Lanfang in the scene “Lin Daiyu Buries the Flowers.”/我们常不免有一种~,看见讽刺作品,就觉得这不是文学上的正路,因为我们先就以为讽刺并不是美德。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—134) It is hard to be completely free from prejudice. When we see a satire,we cannot consider it genuine literature because we were brought up to believe that satire is not a good thing.

先入之见xiān rù zhī jiàn

在实际调查研究之前就接受的或已经形成的看法,指成见。prejudice, preconception, parti pris





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