释义 |
先xiān ❶ (时间或次序在前的) earlier; before; first; in advance: 有言在 ~ make clear beforehand; 争 ~恐后 strive to be the first and fear to lag behind; 你不必 ~ 付款。 You don't have to pay in advance. 你 ~ 拟个提纲再写。 Make an outline before you start writing. 他比我 ~ 到。 He arrived earlier than I did.; He arrived there before me. 他在班上遥遥领 ~。 He is far in advance of his class. 同志们 ~ 别走。 Don't go yet, comrades. 我 ~ 说几句。 Let me say a few words first. ~ 做学生,再做先生。 Be a pupil before you become a teacher. ❷ (祖先; 上代) elder generation; ancestor: 祖 ~ ancestor: forefather ❸ (尊称死去的人) deceased; late: ~ 父 my late father ❹ [口] (先前) earlier on; before: 你 ~ 怎么不告诉我? Why didn't you tell me before? ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 轸 Xian Zhen ◆先辈 elder generation; ancestors; 先别阴阳 {中医} distinguishing yin and yang at first; 先补后攻 {中医} tonifying before attacking the pathogens; 先成河 antecedent river; 先慈 [书] my deceased mother; 先打后拉 first attack and then cajole; 先导 guide; forerunner; precursor; 先导性教育 introductory education; 先到后走 be the first to arrive and the last to leave; 先到货物 forward arrivals; 先到先招待 first come, first served; 先到灶头先得食 If you arrive early, you get ahead of others.; He that runs fastest gets the ring.; It's the early bird that catches the worm.; The early bird catches [gets] the worm.; Those who are first at the fire will get their dinner first.; 先到者优先 first come, first served; first in time, first by right; [拉] prior tempore, prior jure; 先睹为快 be all eagerness to see it; be pleasant to have seen it first; consider it a pleasure to be among the first to read; hurry (towards) so as to get the first glimpse; 先断假设 breakage first hypothesis; 先发制敌 anticipate the enemy; be ahead of the enemy; steal a march on a rival; 先发制人 strike first to gain the initiative; beat to the draw; dominate the enemy by striking first; fire the first shot; gain an advantage over a competitor [the enemy] without his knowing; gain mastery by striking first; get [have] the drop on sb.; get the upper hand by taking the initiative; steal a march upon [on] sb.; steal one's thunder; strike first to forestall the enemy; strike the first blow; take the wind out of sb.'s sails; The launcher has the advantage; 先锋 vanguard; van; 先锋队 vanguard; 先赋地位 ascribed status; 先富起来 become prosperous first; get well-off [better-off] first; 先攻后补 {中医} attacking the pathogens before tonifying; 先公后私 put public interests before private ones; Public affairs precede private obligations.; put public interests ahead of personal interests; put public interests before one's own; put public interest before self-interest; subordinate one's own interests to the public good; 先国后家 The state comes before the family.; 先河 the saying that the river is the source of the sea; anything that is advocated earlier; 先后 early or late; priority; order; successively; one after another; 先后缓急 in the order of urgency; 先己后人 put self before others; 先煎 be decocted first; 先见 foreknowledge; foresight; 先见之明 prophetic vision; ability to foresee; the ability to discern what is coming; show foresight; able to predict; long head; 先进 advanced; 先进个人 the advanced individual; 先进集体 the advanced collective; 先进先出 {计} first-in first-out (FIFO); 先决 prerequisite; 先决条件 prerequisite; presupposition; reserve; precondition; reservation; premise; 先觉 one who becomes awakened earlier in politics and social reforms; 先开花, 后结果 blossom (flowers) first and bear fruits afterwards; 先苦后乐 be the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts; 先来后到 in the order of arrival; First come, first served.; 先来先给 First come, first served.; 先礼后兵 try fair means before resorting to force; be a gentleman first and a soldier second; courteous before the use of force; first a courteous exchange of words, then war; take strong measures only after courteous ones fail; try peaceful means before resorting to force; try the effect of politeness before resorting to arms; 先例 precedent; previous case taken as example; 先烈 martyr; 先令 shilling; schilling; 先难后获 toil first and then enjoy the fruits; 先难后易 (Things) are difficult at first and quite easy afterwards.; Well begun is half done.; 先培训后就业 train people before they are given jobs; 先破后立 destroy first and then establish; destruction before construction; 先期 earlier on; in advance; 先前 before; previously; 先遣 be sent in advance; detaching; 先秦哲学 philosophy of the pre-Qin period; 先趋 forerunner; predecessor; 先驱 pioneer; forerunner; foregoer; harbinger; precursor; predecessor; progenitor; ancestor; 先驱者号探测器 the Pioneer space probe; 先人 ancestor; forefather; my late father; 先人后己 put the interest of others above one's own; put others before oneself; put other people before oneself; 先入为主 First impressions are strongest [most lasting].; be prejudiced by first impressions [preconceived ideas]; First impressions are firmly entrenched.; Preconceived ideas keep a strong hold.; Whosoever enters first is master.; 先入之见 preconception; preconceived idea [notion]; prejudice; the first idea that came into one's head [mind]; 先声 first signs; herald; harbinger; 先声夺人 His name is enough to strike terror in people's hearts.; forestall one's opponent [competitor] by a show of strength; One's prestige suffices to frighten others.; overawe others by displaying one's strength; 先声后实 proclaim one's might first and then make an actual demonstration of it; 先生 teacher; mister (Mr.); gentleman; sir; [方] doctor; [旧]; 先师 teacher [master] of the older generation; 先世 forefathers; ancestors; 先是 former; original; 先手 on the offensive (in chess); 先天 congenital; inborn; innate; {哲} a priori; innate; 先天不足 be congenitally deficient; a feeble constitution; an inadequate natural endowment; a weak natural physical endowment; constitutional infirmity; inherent shortage of; suffer from an inherent shortages; 先天后天之争 the nature-nurture debate; 先天下之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐 be the first to show concern and the last to enjoy oneself; A leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruit after the people.; being the first to bear hardships, and the last to enjoy comforts; Be the first man to suffer, if suffering there must be, but if benefits are to be gained and distributed, be the last man to claim [take; enjoy] them.; 先天性 congenital; intrinsic; nature; apriority; innateness; 先天之精 congenital essence; innate essence; 先头 ahead; in front; in advance; before; formerly; in the past; 先头儿 before; formerly; in the past; 先挖潜后新建 give priority to tapping existing potential over starting new projects; 先务之急 first things first; business requiring immediate attention; pressing [urgent] task to be fulfilled first; 先下手为强 He who strikes first gains the advantage.; To take the initiative is to gain the upper hand.; the advantage of striking first; The best defense is offense.; 先下手为强, 后下手遭殃 He who strikes first prevails, he who strikes late fails.; 先贤 wise men; scholars of the past; 先小人, 后君子 specify terms clearly at first and use a good deal of courtesy later; 先行 go ahead of the rest; start off before the others; beforehand; in advance; 先行经济指数 anticipated economic index; 先严 [书] my deceased father; 先验 {哲} prior; a priori; 先意承志 do things before one is told; do everything to please one's parents; 先忧后乐 grieve first and rejoice afterwards; first to labor, then enjoy later; 先有耕耘, 后有收获 One must sow before one can reap.; 先泽 benefits from one's ancestor; 先斩后奏 behead sb. first then make all known to the Emperor; act first and report afterwards; execute one on the spot without prior approval from the court; kill sb. first then to report; slay the disobedient and report afterwards; 先兆 foreboding; foregleam; omen; portent; sign; indication; {医} aura; 先哲 a great thinker of the past; sage; 先哲前贤 the wise men of the past; 先知 a person of foresight; {宗} prophet; 先知先觉 having foresight; a person of foresight; 先执行, 后汇报 take prompt action before reporting to; 先著祖鞭 give a lead; 先纵后擒 give line and scope; 先奏后斩 report first and act afterwards |