充chōnɡⅠ (满;足) sufficient;full;ample: 供应 ~ 分 have ample supplies Ⅱ ❶ (装满;塞住) fill;charge;stuff: 他给汽车的电池 ~ 了电。 He charged the battery of his car. ❷ (担任;当) serve as;act as: 那个箱子 ~ 作我们的桌子。 That box served us as a table. 他 ~ 任委员会的秘书。 He acted as secretary to the board. ❸ (冒充) pretend to be;pose as;pass sth. off as: ~ 好汉 pose as a hero;~ 内行 pretend to be an expert Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 向 Chong Xiang ◆充斥 flood;congest;be full of;be glutted with; 充当 serve as;act as;play the part of;pose as; 充电 charge (a battery);battery charging;charging; 充电指示灯 charge indicator; 充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to;stop one's ears;hear but pay no attention to;pay no heed at all;plug one's ears and refuse to listen;refuse to hear;shut one's ears and not to listen to;shut one's ears to;stuff one's ears and refuse to listen; 充分 full;ample;abundant;sufficient;fully;to the full; 充公 confiscate;forfeit; 充饥 allay [appease;satisfy] one's hunger; 充军 [旧] be transported to a distant place for penal servitude;banish;be sent into exile; 充满 be filled [suffused;brimming] with;be full of;be imbued [permeated] with;fill to the brim;be full of; 充沛 plentiful;abundant;full of; 充其量 at most;at best;at the maximum;at the (very) outside; 充气 aerate;aerify;air inflation;gas charging;gas loading;gas up;gasing;inflation;topping-up;aerification;aeration;air charging; 充气管 {电子} gas tube;gas-filled tube;gas-filled valve;gas valve;inflation tube; 充任 fill the post of;hold the position of; 充塞 fill (up);filled with;full of;cram; 充实 substantial;rich; 充数 make up the number;serve as a stopgap;merely to take a part; 充填 filling;stowing;backfilling;gobbing;gobbing-up;gob up; 充血 {医} hyperemia;congestion;hyperaemia; 充压 pressurize; 充氧 oxygenate; 充溢 full to the brim;exuberant;(be) overflowing (with); 充盈 plentiful;full; 充裕 abundant;ample;plentiful;well-off;rich;enrich;sufficient; 充足 adequate;sufficient;abundant;ample;abundance;flush ̄ness;plenty;liberality |