储(儲)chǔⅠ (储藏;存放) store up;save;keep [have] in reserve: ~ 粮备荒 store up grain against natural disasters; 冬 ~ 白菜 cabbages stored for the winter Ⅱ ❶ (继承人) heir: 王[皇]~ crown prince ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 大伯 Chu Dabo ◆储备 (储存备用) store for future use;lay in;lay up;(储藏品) reserve;store; 储仓 warehouse; 储藏 (保藏) save and preserve;store;keep;lay by;(蕴藏) deposit; 储层 {地质} reservoir;reservoir stratum; 储存 lay in;lay up;store up;keep in reserve;accumulate;stockpile; 储存器 reservoir; 储罐 storage tank; 储户 depositor; 储集层 reservoir stratum [bed];储集区 gathering area; 储金 savings; 储君 crown prince; 储量 {矿} reserves; 储能 stored energy;accumulation energy; 储气 gas storage;reserve air;supplemental air; 储水槽 aqua storage tank; 储水箱 water storage tank; 储蓄 savings;deposits;save;deposit;accumulate; 储油 {石油} oil storage; 储油罐 {石油} oil storage tank;oil tank;stock tank; 储脂 depot fat |